Ready to go

thats hilarious!! :WTF where is that?co os by any chance?

Day 2

A thunderstorm delay my start today morning to 8:30 and on the way i get a small selfmade bike problem so just go to Hua Hin and stay there to get the Parts to fix it .

Road construktion seems to be everywhere this year and some places they left unfinish .

Like here :

All workers and machinery left , not even start tunneling:clapping:
and no warning sign at all .
thats hilarious!! :WTF where is that?co os by any chance?

Thats the end of the beach road at a small village at
Khao Sam Roi Yot National Park south of Hua Hin

called Bang PO Beach
Google Maps 12.211663 100.002953
You've set up that bike beautifully Klaus, interested in testing it if you get to Chiang Mai.

No Problem , guess i stay about a month in chiang may area .
That if we blow not up the engine tomorow on the dyno.
Day 4

Last night i got a message from a austrian African Twin rider , i helped one year ago on Phuket with his bike problem .
Guess what , he was in Hua Hin too in another hotel just around the corner .

And he was on the Way to BKK Lat Phrao .
And he know a place to stay in Lat Phrao where i can't find a Hotel with privat Parking for the bike to visit API and test the CRF on there Dyno .

Hotel Problem solved i jumped back to the Idea to visit API and joint Heinz on the ride to BKK .
Traffic in BKK was sh..... like usual 2 hours to get near BKK and 5 hours to get to Lat Phrao .

Also get finally the INFO from API thats there Dyno is now mobile on a truck but the truck has a problem and need to go to get fixed so they can
not check my CRF this Week and next week the Truck need to go to buriram Racetrack .
But they hook me up with another Dyno in Lat Phrao and tomorrow is Dyno day for the CRF .
CRF Dyno testing Day.

API was not able to test my CRF from what ever reason and send me to JC Superbike .

So i was there today at 11am and the technician show up a few minute later .

removing a 300cc Kawasaki Racebike from the Dyno that got 41 HP and put my CRF on.

The Dyno looks basic , the AFR Ratio instrument was a seperate unit similar to my own one with a Lamda Probe they screw in to my weld on sleeve and the first run was just over 32HP with the mapping i had done the last few weeks with my road testing.

The technician , not very familar with the API Software point out that the AFR Ratio is not constant it had some ups and downs , something i know and thats was one of the reasons i visit the dyno .

With my own Lapptop where i have the API Software on he run the CRF for about 90 Min on the Dyno

smooth out the AFR Ratio to about 12.9 and find in the process about 0,7 HP more.

More interesting but also strange is the torque curve .

Torque tips out to a peaky 59 max but mostly up and down from 30 to 50

No Idea what is the reason for this , the technician was clueless too.

But the CRF is running now smoother then befor with a little better power in the midrange.

For 3000 THB (about 84 USD) i can not complain .

If i can get hold of the API technician next week at the race track i will ask him about it .


The Dyno runs was taken with my current gearing 15/39 T and new Pirelli MT21 Rallycross Tire

in 130/90 -18 what is about 5 cm bigger in diameter then the Dunlops or IRC i use befor.

So Gearing is much longer then stock CRF's.


18HP stock to 32HP with a professional modifications, congratulations

Thanks Phil

But honestly i had expected a few ponys more , at leased that's what my Butt Dyno tells me.
Also the jumping Torque and rpm indicator on the dyno tells me something was wrong maybe slipping tyre what reduse the resault
and the humidity sensor was at 45% wile the weather report say 75 % yesterday.

But the technician did the AFR Ratio ajustment based what the AFR Instrument tells him and that instrument have no connection to the Dyno software
at all plus he seems to know what he is doing make me guess that there are maybe a few ponys thats this Dyno not show .

you told me last year big wing in CM accept any hondas on the Dyno , if i am there i will try it again.
Then i have something to compare and hopefully get a smoother torqe curve thats better readable .
Depend if torqe is really in the 30 -40 NM range that will double it from stock and then its mission fulfilled.
Day 6

still in BKK and today was shopping day .
After i run out of drinking water last January in the middle of nowhere in between to rivers it was time to upgrade my equipment with some
water supply stuff .

At Word Trade Center 3rd. Floor i found a new to me outdoor shop and a 6L seetosummit water bladder .
Nice shop with a lot of good quality stuff (seetosummit sleeping bags).
But don't ask , look for yourself , the staff don't know what they have .
I ask 2 of the guys for drinking water bladder or foldable bottles/canisters , answer mai me .
45 sec later i found it ,6L and 10L in the back of the shop .


Now with the 3 L bladder in my Backpack i can carry 9L if i can find out how to open that stupid filler cap
and if this is not enough i get a Filter at the outdoorshops at amarin .
Day 8

Start at 9am leaving Bangkok.
Lucky my GPS know the Way and i how to use the GPS otherwise i would still stuck in Bangkok.
There are simply to many Fly over , Bridge , Underpasses, use the left lane to turn right and to many Lanes that suddenly split in different directions.

But after about 2 hours in for me crazy traffic i got finally some tarmac under the wheels that had green on both sides, bangkok was beyond me.

Depend i want to go only to Nakon Nayok and the Khlong Tha Dam i was not in a hurry and drive a little zigzag through the country side enjoing
the small empty roads.

First stop below the Dam . Little camouflage and they can make the next Troy movie here.

Or a Big Bike meeting inc. Drag Strip . Lot of emty Parking ground .

And why i Park in the middle of the Road ?
Its the end of it .

On top of the Dam a lot has change since i was here the last Time . New buildings and the Former Parking area is fenced of , but Bikes are now
allowed to drive on to the dam on the backside.
nice view from there into a green valley.

A view over the Lake ,

and then i drive around a little bit to explore the area and find a place for the night .

Find a nice clean and not very old Bungalow at Toffy Cafe .
Restaurant , Coffee shop and about 25 Bungalows .

small bungalows but comfortable Bett and fast wifi at N14 19.241' E101 18.242'
1100 THB parking direct in front of the Bungalow .

Dinner at Toffy Restaurant was excellent too and BIG servings.
No chance for the oposite Fruitmarket to make any buisines with me tonight .
Good to see you out in the open at last, looks like you've found a very nice place to stay for the night. If you don't mind I will copy to the accommodation section.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Day 9

I leave toffey at 7 am and the plan was to drive though Kau Yai direction Buri Ram .

But as i stand at the Kau Yai checkpoint the Guy want for me and the Bike 430 THB for entrance .
As i point out that it was always about 70 thb with thai driving licence he told me goverment rules .
Driving Licence not accepted falang pay 430 Baht with Bike ,finish.

I drive a few times through Kau Yai already , never a Problem with the Thai licence and i am pretty shure the last time (2 years ago)
i pay for me and the Bike 70 THB.
Anyone in Kau Yai this year ? what did you pay with Bike ?

I have no Problem with the Money , but i pay my tax here for the last 15 years and the Thai Lady with the Car in front of me give him
only 20 THB and had no Problem to get in , he not even give her any Ticket . I am shure i got the last Time tickets with the price on.

And depend i don't support that falang Ripp off i turn around and take the 304 insteed going through Kau Yai .
Not as nice but o.k.
Then i turn on to the 24 and see quickly that is no road for me so i turn to the 224 for a detour over a smaller Road .
Turns out the 224 is nearly as wide as the 24 , guess wider if all the roadwork is finish and from all the streams that the GPS show in this
Area i did not see one , just dust .
That make me leave the 224 and turn in to the 2365 , there was no Roadwork and just 1 Lane for now and free from Traffic .

And so i found my way , and finally i am here .

First on the wrong entrance then on the correct one but still no info and it needs a while to understand that if i sign in to the book
i can go in for free to the Grandstand .


And finally i found the Information office and get a Programm for the coming race weekend .


VIP Ticket 1500 THB including snacks

And i got the Info i can do a few rounds on the circuit today , but that was a misunderstanding , means more to drive around the circuit on excess roads to take a look .

Anyway i make buri ram as my Base for the next few Days , find a 700 THB bungalow with parking in Front and will spend the Time until friday exploring the area ( never here befor) will visit the racetrack a few times (until Friday free ) and after the sunday races i continue north.
Day 10

A quick round around buriram .
Mostly covered with fields auf different kind and all harvested .
And while Buriram itself has many nice paved roads ,as soon as i turn away from the main roads its pothole after pothole.

I was at the Lake south of buriram that's look in google a little strange but nothing of that in real live .
it's a mostly in see roses covered lake .


To far away for my camera to tell if he is speerfishing or push his boat.

After the Lake i visit the forest Park .
With only one little forest around here they make this a Park .
Its a nice area ,little cooler in the shadows and many Statue along the Driveway.

On top some old relic.

nice views.


the big Buddha .

and some tourist information.

She must have a lot of descendants by now that try to transform back.

And a question for the experts.
Is that a giant Gecko (20+cm) or what i think a young so called Tukeo

Good europe style Breakfast at Jimmy's Sports cafe from 9am N14º 59.391' E103º 05.539'

Then to the Buriram race track.

Talk with the API guys and watch some free practice runs.
Waiting in Lethers on hot bikes in the sun for the practice run.

Most of the action is to far away for a compact camera ,would like my 400 mm DLSR here . But then i need a bigger bike to carry all that heavy stuff.

Some companys prepare for advertising in the parking area .

And no , thats not Rossi.
Day 12

Last night as i came back from Dinner my Bungalow Resort was run over from a large Group of young Thais that came to buriram to Party.
No chance to sleep with 20 drunken Thais at my Doorstep . 4 am in the morning even more people come on scooters to bring more beer
and at 7 am as it gets quiet i found the last 2 guys drunk sleeping on my doorstep .

And depend this Group was booked until Sunday and one sleepless night is enough i check out and try to find another place.
Owner of the Resort was very sorry and even give me my money i had payed until monday back .

So 8 am i was back on the Bike to find another bungalow, but after i ask a few (all full booked) and check my options,

a) looking for a Room as long as it takes and if i can not find one in buriram move to Surin .
b) forget buriram and the race weekend and move on .

I go for b) and now i sit in a nice bungalow near nam nao .

Called banaood N 16 33.496' E102 04.281' direct on highway 12 but far enough away to be quiet .

I have the last bungalow in the row and the first time one with my own carport .(every bungalow has one)

Inside is nice too.

Not very big but very clean , wifi work perfect , there is even a massage and loundry service in this little resort.

And its only 500 THB a night .

So i book 2 nights , get my loundry done and look tomorrow what i can find on this side of nam nao .
Day 12

Last night as i came back from Dinner my Bungalow Resort was run over from a large Group of young Thais that came to buriram to Party.
No chance to sleep with 20 drunken Thais at my Doorstep . 4 am in the morning even more people come on scooters to bring more beer
and at 7 am as it gets quiet i found the last 2 guys drunk sleeping on my doorstep .

And depend this Group was booked until Sunday and one sleepless night is enough i check out and try to find another place.
Owner of the Resort was very sorry and even give me my money i had payed until monday back .

So 8 am i was back on the Bike to find another bungalow, but after i ask a few (all full booked) and check my options,

a) looking for a Room as long as it takes and if i can not find one in buriram move to Surin .
b) forget buriram and the race weekend and move on .

I go for b) and now i sit in a nice bungalow near nam nao .

Called banaood N 16 33.496' E102 04.281' direct on highway 12 but far enough away to be quiet .

I have the last bungalow in the row and the first time one with my own carport .(every bungalow has one)

Inside is nice too.

Not very big but very clean , wifi work perfect , there is even a massage and loundry service in this little resort.

And its only 500 THB a night .

So i book 2 nights , get my loundry done and look tomorrow what i can find on this side of nam nao .

Yes, Ban Naood in Chumphae is a place where I stay quite often when I travel to the south of Laos. Smallish bungalows but everything works. Good farang food available at Griff's Bar and Restaurant in Chumphae at N16.54142 E102.09792 which is a bit south of Highway 12. The Nam Nao NP is nice both Highway 12 as well as Road 2216 to the north just before the Nam Na NP checkpoint. The 2216 is a quiet but good road and links with RD 203.
Day 13

Dit the 2216 today .
Finally after 2250 km some empty twisty mountain roads and misty mountain tops .


Unfortunately today Nam Nao hold up to his Name and it was wet and cold .
No Rain in the morning but fog , visibility down to 10m most of the way along the NP sometimes less , sometimes little bit more .

Thats no sundown , that the CRF with full lights on at 10-12m distance


very close , just wet from the fog .

From the nice views (i guess) i dit not see much .

only very close things

North of Nam Nao where the road lead away from the Forest it clears up a little but not for long .








then light rain start , a (very) little sun and light rain again and this go on and on .
Shorten the Loop for this reason ( 270 km ) and take some shortcuts via Field and Farm access Roads , many Potholes and Mud but get to the 12 a little earlyer .

Back at my Bungalow i check my Chain and after i see how much it has streched since Nakon Nayok i decide it's time for a new one .
So i go to Chum Phae and let install a new one (850 THB)
Day 14

Leave Bannood at 8 am .

Use the 201/12 to get to and through Nam Nao and depend Nam nao has not much to see from the highway i dit just one stop to warm up at the bridge.

Today there was no Fog and dry so at 9:30 am i was already out of Nam Nao .

I don't like to drive Highways to much so i took the first road going south and turn to the 2275 the 2215 passing south of Phetchabun Airport and crossing the 21 .
From there via the 2302 a nice emty road i go to the 2196.


Want to drive a little bit around in Khao Kor today and then find a Bungalow in the late afternoon .

That was Plan 1 but as soon as i was on the 2196 i think i got beamed back to Bangkok.
The 2196 was blocked from thousands of cars , Pickup's and Minibuses , hundred of scooters and big bikes and everyone with luggage , parking and driving everywhere and many times people just jump out of the car to take a picture .

Using every cm i found , many times through the dirt next to the road i make it to the 12 but there it was the same picture .
To crowded for me so i ditch Plan one and go to Plan 2 .

Driving the 12 back to nam nao and then via the 2372 and 2331 through Phu Hin Rong Kla.
But also on this Roads traffic from Hell .
Up in to the Mountains on the 2331 is great this Road is one of the crazy ones here in Thailand and great to ride , if its emty .
Today i had to filter through all the cars and Pickups and unfortunately most driver or are not suited to this roads .

In the south of Phuket stand a Road sign that says in Thai and English .

Old vehicles or inexperienced Driver PLEASE use another road .This Sign should be installed here too. And VERY BIG .

One time about 25 Man must push a 3 L Hilux up the mountain depend the Driver kill the engine in the Corner and both lanes was blocked .
And another clever guy try to overtake the standing traffic uphill , not knowing what's going on behind the next corner . Chaos pur.

But i made it .
Great views from 1150 m even the weather was today not the best .




After this Pics i go further up the Mountain and came to a Check point . But nobody there so i go on.
1 km later , just pass 1656 m in the middle of nowhere , in the mist sitting some guys in camouflage blocking the Road.

And this Guys want 580 THB for me and the Bike to use the Road to go ahead .
Not acceptable like the 440 THB at Khao Yai .I am not a Cash Cow.
So i add this Road to my list of avoidance and turn around .

Back down at the 2372 i turn north and via the 21 and 2014 to Dan Sai .
Also a nice ride , free to use and free of traffic too.

Look around Dan Sai a little bit .

And check in at the Mountain Green Resort .
CRF unloaded , done for today.


Just 300 km from Nan i decide to go to Nan tomorrow .
Via 2113,1268,1047,1123,1083,1243 and a few roads without no.
Anyone know another place on this route where the mugger lurking and that i better add to my avoidance list ????
You should be all clear on that route klaus, the extended weekend with the kings birthday really caused you some problems along with the highway robbers.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Day 15

Leave Dan Sai at 7:30 am , Mountain Green resort , not to visit again , to dirty .

Heading for Nan.
And what a great Ride , very diversified .

Just north of Dan Sai the Road goes up in to the Mountains and 8am the Sun comes out (a little)
Feels like millions of tide turns and endless up's and down's .
Road change from good to filled up potholes to perfect and sometimes Dirty from the Tractors leaving the fields ,sometimes gravel .
Weather change from sunny and cold to misty and cold to sunny and warm to Rain and dry and Rain again .

In the middle of nowhere a open Coffee Shop at 8:30 am .

unusual Sink .

The only thing thats not changed was the Traffic , empty Roads all the Way for good 300 km .
Pass maybe 50 Tractors , 15 cars and 15 Motorbikes all the way to wiang sa

The Road along the Borders of Phu Suan Sai , absolut great , even in the Rain the 1083 trough Phu Nam Nan very nice .
The unexpected Roadblock there was more funny then trouble .

The many Check Points i pass today , no Problem , just wave and a smile , nobody stop me and demand money .

Nice views along the Road.

Found this Place .

Camping at 1150 m if my GPS don't lie.., Big Grill provided.

Nice Flowers .

Never seen this one befor .

Further up the Road a view Point with a pool .

at 1200 m that must be the highest one in Thailand .
and great views , just a little to much mist , or is it already over the Clouds ?






unfortunately the Rain stop me from taking Pictures but on this route there are so many nice views and without stops i was already at
3 pm at Nan .
Sundra GH where i hoped to get a room is full booked this week but found another one .
Guy next Door ride a BMW XR 1000 , a little out of my league.

Anyone in Nan up for a Daytrip this week ? stay here until next Monday.



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Day 16

Just a Fun ride out of Nan , 190 km
Depend on yesterdays rain and very clouded in the morning i stay on Road .

Lot of great views along the road and i find a wreck .
Not a Road accident , more a tuning accident depend i guess his modified Turbo blow up.
And that lead to a fire that burn so hot that the aluminium melt to be fluid and run down the Road .

Hopefully he don't need his colleagues, i don't see any house or vehicle on the Road 20km around the wreck .

Oversize Intercooler let me guess the turbo and Engine was modified too.

That need some serious head to meld like that .


Not much left .



Not far from the Wreck a much nicer sight .


And lot of views in Nan area.



Ahhhh , there is the Road.




A few bridges to .


CRF looks not happy to go over the last one .



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That's a nice set of hills to ride around. A few years ago I rode from Lampung (stayed in the excellent Riverside Hotel) and went up the 1047 to the border road you followed, it was a memorable ride, quiet roads and good tarmac. I ended up at Chiang Khan which is a nice quiet town beside the Mekong and a good place to stay with decent hotels
Next March I'll do the same road again but coming from Vietnam across Laos and enter Thai through Vientiane -then stay in Chaing Khan again on my way to Chiang Mai.
Day 17

Today the weather was very nice and i try to go a little bit offroad.
So i go the 1091 to Ban Luang for Gas and then a little back and turn to Ban Phi where i found a unconfirmd Track that loop all the way up to the North east and join there with the 1082.

Unfortunately i dit not get very far . The paved road ends and a nice Dirtroad start with a bridge and a stream crossing and it went in to the Forest but after a few km i came to a bamboo fence with a sign 9am to 6pm that made me still hoping but just through the open Door and i see a big noway
sign and many other sign that i cold not read .
I ask the 2 ladys comming out of the houses what looks like a ranger station if its possible to drive up to Ban Santisuk like my GPS show but the told me noway , like the sign .
So i turn around and go back to the 1091 and turn to Nan .
After a few km i turn to the 4002 a road i know from last year and that this twisty road loop back to Nan .
So todays Trip was not very long but nice .

Great Weather and nice views.



The Stream crossing in to Doi Pha Chang.

And the walking bridge next to it .

The Roads around Nan are great .





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Great to be able to catch up with you in Nan Klaus, had a chance today to read this, great trip so far. We experienced lots of unusual police checkpoints too.
Day 18

After the usual Breakfast at Rider's Corner Nan i head north on the 101 to get to the very interesting looking (on the map) 1148 to do a Loop to the west .
But first i dit a navigation mistake and turn on the 1082 .
The 1082 is also very twisty and well paved and depends the GPS route this road to Khun Khuan to i stay on it .
It had some great views .





Until it came at a village to a sudden end .
Means the pavement end in front of a concrete ditch with just 2 small rebar bridges for the Tires of a car .
And after the ditch it goes steep uphill to a corner .

I try to ask the locals if that is the Way to Khun Khuan as the GPS show , but somehow i got completely ignored in this village .
Not even the dogs look to me . My sawadees and koht... , noone even turn the head .

I was thinking o.k. then i see by my self where it goes .
Over the bridge , up the well reinforced gravel section and around the corner and , shi.....
The red one .
After the corner the way goes through a small canyon carved in the mud just wide enough for a Pickup and still steep up .
But , the middle of the track was still a small stream and deep washed out .
No Problem for Cars depend they have the tires on the outer edge and not in the middle of the vehicle .

I got up the first 200 m nearly carving new grooves with my Handlebar in the side of the canyon to stay on the tire tracks some Pickup's left .
Was very slippery . After 200 m i reach a more flat section and see the red slippery mud goes on as far as i can see .
That make me recheck the GPS depend it shows 43 km to the join with paved road and then I get it . I was on the track to the monument in the middle of the forest , the same one i could not reach yesterday. And in the area where the locals don't like outsiders (according to Oddvar (local to Nan)).
Maybe the reason for the Ignorance of the villagers .
If that Mud goes only for 10 km that need hours to get back to paved roads and if the locals are not helping if i need help thats not good so i turn the Bike on the Sidestand (no room to rank the bike around) and got back down the mudslide .

Only chance to get out of this area was the way i came but depend it's such a nice road to drive i didn't care and drove the 40 km back .
Back on track i drive further north and turn this time correct to the 1148.
Very nice too but faster flowing then 1082 where i meet a thai on a Hayabusa . He was not the fastest driver so we ride for a while together .




Until i found a shortcut he can not follow depend on 25 km dirt section , the 1188.
The Dirt section on the 1188 is well prepared and was dry and from the looks it will be paved soon .
Today i enjoy the gravel and was standing on the Pegs flying by some locals at 75 km/h , nice .

Depends the 1188 is going along the bottom of a valley it gives totally different views .
Nice stream .

The locals at this village have no problems fishing here .

Big Trees along the Way.

And after i get back on Pavement i loop back to Nan .

Got some video too but that i have to cut nd add after i'm back home .



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Interesting that you got that reception at Sop Khun, I have stopped there a couple of times before for snacks and drinks and found them all pleasant and hospitable
Hi collin

I was also surprise , i dit nothing to piss anyone off .
Drive slowly in to the village and stop the engine in front of the ditch next to a shop .
Look at the shop with the hole family inside Sawadee krap , no one even turn the head .
Same with the people that walk by .
Day 19

Head southeast today .
Try to cut of some km by driving over a Dirttrack .
At one point i see i am of the Track and stop the bike .
Right foot on the break , left to the Ground and realise to late there was no ground , at least not at the level i expect it .
The Grass next to the single Track was much higher as expected.
So without anything to step on the bike just fall to the left and i roll down the rest of the slope . stupid mistake , break the Windscreen .

Some how i lost the fun of offroad and turn back to the Road .
Drive then to the 1259 and all the way to Rom Klao .
The countryside looks great even without much viewpoints and a little to hazy today .

Just one good shot.

And as nice as the hills look , the 1259 is shi....t.
The pavement is partly broken away and covers the rest of the Road as gravel with a wild mix of Potholes all over the Road .
They try to fill the worst Potholes with cement , but that a endless job .

So after a coffee stop at Ro Klao i drive the bad road all the way back depend its a dead end and then i was thinking
i take a look to the rapids they sign out all the way from nan and its just 15 km away .
But the LOOK would have cost 230 THB as i was told at the checkpoint .

So i head back to Nan and arrive there at the worst time .
The sheriffs had blocked the Road for the Ride for Dad bicycle Invasion .
45 Min to wait until they give the Road free , and then all directions at the same time of course.
Chaos pure , need 1 hour for the last km to Tony's place .



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Good to see you joined in the local festivities and biked for Dad for 1km to Tony's Place. Do you have any photos of you wearing your yellow T-shirt Klaus?
No sorry , no fotos of me with yellow shirts , at leased not wearing it .
If i had to wait longer in black gear in the sun then maybe you would find one in the Newspaper .
Me strangle the sheriff with a yellow shirt .
Day 20

Just clean the Bike and my Gear from yesterdays mud and fix the battle scares on the Windscreen from the contact with the forest soil.

Day 22

After 1 week it was Time to leave Nan .
Just go to Chiang Kham but i took the long way , 392 km . Some how the GPS miss the 1097 , could save me at leased an hour .
But it was a great Trip with beautiful weather . Nearly to warm for the elevation i was .

No idea how many hills i have climp up and down today or how many curves but must be a lot , the GPS save the Track in 3 Parts .

First stop was up in the mountain at nearly 1600 m at a nice Coffee shop with camping area .

Toilets , shower everything there , great view included


A little further the next place . Guess the sign stand for 1715 m elevation .

Don't know why , my Montana and my Watch just show 1662 m

50 m difference , no problem the view was great anyway .


and no Road toll for this nice Mountain Road .

a little down .

After Bo Kluea further north , the Road follow a beautiful valley with a very twisty but not so good Road.
Broken pavement , Gravel , filled up and open Potholes . Not so easy to watch the Road and the suroundings
at the same time , slow down the progress .





Guess i could have stopped easy a 100 times more to take a pic.



This Driver take the corners a little to sweeping , the Trailer parked 100 m ahead.


Made it to Chiang Kham just before sundown was tired and search for a Room .
More by accident or goog luck i turn in to a very small soi and found MUSIK Rooms , at leased thats what i call it depend it stand outside on the Wall . But no musik inside , just 6 nice quiet rooms in a nice Garden for 400 THB.


I guess just finish build , fridge is still missing , but comfortable bed and good wifi .N19 31.774 E100 17.674


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Day 23

Depend i sleep so well and i like nice and quiet places i book another night at the Musik Bungalows.




Look around Chiang kham today .
On the Map i see a small road that goes through the montains east of Chiang Kham and that was my target.
On the way i see a Road sign to a Mountain Forest Park so i took the detour .
Was not far and the road ended here .
Kind of cool looking Place .









Then i was looking for the turn to that mountain road but could not find it and end up here .




The Water fall there i didn't find and on the way back (dead end) i look again for the turn to that small mountain road on the map but
without success so i turn back to Chiang Kham .
From there i get to a small road that should actually lead to another water fall but that one i could not find either.
But there was road signs to a cave so i follow the signs , and that lead me to this place .


The paved road ended a km back and it looks like this will be paved soon .
Nice background

I was curious where this new Highway will go so i follow the Dirtroad up the Mountain pass the Machines .
And on a big T junction i check the GPS and see i am finally on that Mountain road i could not find the access to it several km further south .
The Roadwork is big , 4 Lanes all the way but i did not understand why they build such a big Road to the middle of nowhere , i see nothing then Mountains and trees .
Until i found a already new installed Road sign on the Way down .

Looks like the other way on that T Junction goes actual somewhere . The amount of Roadwork machines made me believe its there Parking area/Camp.
But i was halfway out of the mountain and to lazy to go back so i turn to the Road i was on in the morning and head back to Chiang Kham.



  • 2015-12-15 CHIANG KHAM.gpx
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Day 24

Leave chiang kham at 8am and head for the 1093 .
Very nice , the dense natural Forest along the Road look great .
Views today , not so much , to hazy and cloudy and without sun its no good view .
And if the sun come out i was mostly in a spot without view .

So first real stop at a Coffee with a view .

sounds bad , but was a real good coffee.



Along the Road in this area are many Coffee shops , Hotels and Guest Houses Guess on Thai Holidays its crowded up here .
Today i was nearly alone .

As further north i came the Road gets from bad to very bad to UP's.
Up's was behind one tide steep downhill corner where the road suddenly was gone . just a dirt ditch as wide as the road a good 1/2 m deep .
Anything with less Ground clearance then my CRF would lost the header maybe more . I just did 20 km/h and had no chance to break .
Suspension was on the end to , but the CRF did a nice jump out of the Ditch back on the pavment .
This hole section is very steep 1300 m down to 400 m elevation , even in first gear i had to be constant on the breaks .
Lucky i change the Break fluid just befor i start the trip and use fluid with a higher boiling point after my rear break fail on the last trip a few times from overheating. No Break Problems this time .

Next Coffee Stop with a different kind of view.


To get there was not easy . The most people in the villages along the road try to reinvent the slow motion driving to a new level.
And a lot of Trucks on the Road just carry Shit and try to fertilize the road with it . brrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!

But no speed limit on the mekong .

I follow the River to Chiang Sean .

I was early ,but i like the place and look around a little bit .
Must be a very old place with a moat like in Chiang Mai and many old relics .
Looks a little bit like ankor wat with the trees growing out of the Brick walls .




Why stand trees like that size only in protected areas ? did they cut them all down .

While looking around i nearly run in to this fellow's web .

a good 10 cm Legspann.

And then i found another nice Place .
Ban sabaydee .



Not very old , clean quality funiture , bed very good and comfortable 600 THB in B House .
A House is older and hard beds for 400 THB . Big Parking area ,looks nothing from the outside but B House good on the Inside .
N20 16.954' E100 04.929'



  • 2015-12-16 CHIANG KHAM TO CHIANGSAEN.gpx
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Great stuff Klaus, nice find with the GH in Chiang Saen, pretty hard to find reasonable gh's there. Yes the smog is coming early this year spoiling some great views

Decimal co-ord's for the GH N20.28257 E100.08215
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