Day 52
I leave my Hotel where i stay the last 3 weeks at 7 am
The Chang Puak Hotel is old , open in 73 but everything works perfect and its nice and clean and absolutly quiet with comfortable Bed's and easy access /parking just north of the moat . i like it and will go there for next time again .
So 7am i was on the bike and on the way Home .
Not without a little detour , i head north to Chiang Dao and make a Coffee , warm up stop at 8am at the Coffee shop i sit last Time with Steve next to the Police checkpoint.
Today must be my lucky Day depend every single red light switch to green just as i approach .
My Feet did not touch the Ground between the Hotel and the Coffee stop.
After the coffee i continue and turn on to the 1322 to wiang haeng . Great Road , twistys without end , at leased as long as i was on it .
At Wiang Haeng i fill the Tank and my stomach depend after 3 weeks every morning the Big Breakfast at Phils place i feel a little hungry without breakfast now.
Then i leave the 1322 and turn on to a Dirt Road that bring me after about 30 km to this .
And for the first time in 35 year i can take my old Position .
Depend i spend my time in the German Army at a helicopter division .
And we move the Huey's with klick on wheels in the Hanger and if someone stand there the guy at the Tail end has it easyer to hold the balance .
And as former Helicopter electric/mechanic ,cleaner i take a closer look to whats left .
Depend many Parts are gone already . Don't know as souvenir or removed y the army .
See some Parts i would be interested in but to remove it would take to long and i don't know what some army guys think about it if they catch me.
That Disk on the Rotor Shaft is as far as i remember made of titanium and one of the most expensive parts.
But not so easy to remove :LOL
This Sticker should be on any Motorbike before it enters a Workshop (just change the manuals name )
not shure if i would fit in there Today , even without the cargo hook installed .
but the access is blocked depend the landing gear collapsed.
The way to get there was a little tricky at some sections , steep uphills with hard underground covered in thick Dust made the Tire Slip and a Part through the Forest was even after weeks without rain wet and slippery . And carrying Luggage and a heavy Backpack make the bumpy Dirt Road not easyer.
But i am Glad i did it . Great Looks all the way .
The Huey
And as i just want to leave a Group of CRF's turn up .
We meet already at Riders Corner about a week ago before they left for the 2 week Trip.
The World is so small .
For the Way to Pai i had to turn around and then go south . This Track was easyer and the steep sections was dry until i pass some kind of Dam .
Along the Stream came some wet and muddy sections but flat and no Problem .
Some where along the Track the GPS lead me through a village , over this wood bridge .
and some km very tide single Trail .Not That one , thats a highway compare to the other .
And on the other Side of the River to this nice Spot where the villagers build 2 barrages.
Local Wildlive
But the next Bridge dos not look like it will hold my and the CRF's weight so i had to turn around and use a concrete Bridge .
But there was 2 more wood bridges where the locals wave me on .
After that village the road had some concrete section but about 25 km before Pai the Road construktion start and turn the way in to a
dusty washboard piste .
That traveler looks like he is on the wrong Bike .
Was in Pai at 4 pm and get a nice bungalow .