Ready to go

Great stuff Klaus, nice find with the GH in Chiang Saen, pretty hard to find reasonable gh's there. Yes the smog is coming early this year spoiling some great views

Decimal co-ord's for the GH N20.28257 E100.08215

Hi Bob
Yes the Ban sabaydee was absolutly worth the money .
I sleep great depend of the good bett and absolutly quiet . No dogs , chickens or bikes/cars .
As i check in the Parking Lot was nearly empty , 8 pm near full .
But no noisy neighbors , walls must be good to.

Its big enough for a group of 20 or more big bikes to.under the roof fit easy 30 Road Kings.
Tomorrow i have to go back there (forget my Laptop Charger ) will ask for the tel. no.
Day 25

Pick the wrong day for that Part of the Trip .

I leave Chiang saen at 8 am and go further north to Mae Sai and from there to the 1149 along the Border .
The Checkpoint was easy . They make a Copy of my Passport with the Mobile Phone and i was free to go .

But on the way to Mae Sai i can see already that this Mountains are covered in Mist and on the Way to Mae Sai it was raining a little .
The first km on the 1149 was dry what give me false hope .
After i pass 650 m elevation i was covered in the mist , visibility below 5 m .
The botanic Garden station i don't see , i hear that i was surround by people and stop .

Get a hot coffee by shouting for directions , see the tent only at 2 m distance .
until i get down the mountain it was wet , cold and miserable conditions for a Bike trip .
And the road could be a fun Trip as steep and twisty it is , but in this conditions it was a slow 2 gear crawl up and down the Mountain .

And after that i thought its later in the day and the road via Mae Salong will be better ,maybe get some nice over the cloud shots .
But that was wishful thinking , it was even worse . Colder and so wet it looks like rain , maybe was .
Compare to last time 1.Jan i had the Road for me alone but that don't help . Last time i found no spot to stop and park the Bike for a picture depend there was so many thai tourists and this time i see nothing .

Freezing Cold i was happy to be out of the mountains and go strait to Chiang Rai for a hot shower .
And here i sit and find out i forget my Laptop charger at Chiang Saen .
So guess where tomorrows trip will go :rage:


  • 17 DEC 2015 chiang saen to chiang rai.gpx
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There was real rain in Chiang Khong Klaus, its supposed to be associated with the Philippines typhoon, we had a couple of rain drops in Chiang Mai.
And it looks like there still is , all the mountains in the northwest are covered in clouds as far as i can see from my Hotel room.
Looks like my charger stay in chiang saen and i have to find a new one .
Day 26

Got a charger and a few coffee and thats it for today .
15 degree in town , not interested in any mountain road today .
Day 27

Temperatures had improved a little since yesterday so i did a little daytrip out of CR.
Depend the Charger i got yesterday for the Laptop turns out to be a crap copy that charges but cause
also some very strange effects on the Laptop first stop was chiang saen where i got my original charger back at
Ban sabaidee .

Got the contact info too.

she speak english , 16 rooms in B house 600 THB each 20 Rooms in A House 400 THB each

Then back to CR , Coffee stop, check the Bikeweek , turn out as Bike festival that has no Bikes at all as i was there .
Just some scooters on the Parking area and a fenced off Concert stage with some drink stalls.

In the afternoon the sun show a little and i check a little Mountain not far from CR .
There was a Waterfall 700 m to walk upstairs from the parking area that i pass, with a important Info .


The Way to the view point , a several km long dirt trail (to call it Road would be to much ) was more interesting.
But ones up there , no view , to hazy.

So back to the Hotel , done for Today .



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Day 28

leave the cold in CR and drive straight to Chiang Mai Riders Corner for a late breakfast .
Temperature difference feels like 10-12 degree , so nice to be warm .
Day 29

Just Parts shopping in CM and a quick stop (after a long waiting Time) at the doctor to check my ear infection.
Day 30

I was invited by Jan a rider from CM to his Home/Garage/Workshop to do there my necessary maintenance .
Just did that , install new break pads and switch from my homemade high flow cooling water solution back to thermostat .
Day 31

Daytrip time .
Ride out of CM on the 118 and turn on a smaller Road that goes up in to a nice mountain forest .
First stop at the end of the Road in a small village where a Zipline company operated . nice access road , good views but no pic , to much trees .
Back down depend its a dead end another small road on the GPS that turns out to be not so small with a lot of resorts and coffee shops along the way.

Stop on a bridge to take a pic ,

and see the buildings on top of the mountain .

Sorry , crappy digital zoom pic .

Nort Thailand Map show the place as Sumit and the Road is marked as very steep , 4W4 only .
Sounds interesting so i drive around the Mountain to the access Road but privat vehicles are not allowed to go up .
first i need to buy a ticket and wait for the crappy Pickup ride , where is the fun in that ?
Not for me. Next place i found on the Map worth to visit was a water reservoir a few km north with access via dirt roads .

But the dirt roads turn in to pavement after 3 or 4 km and all the surrounding roads i see was paved too.
Not much water in there for the start of the dry season .



Finally i check my position compare to CM and it was time to get back to avoid the rush hour back in to the city.
Not without a long detour .

Not much special places to see today but all in all a lot of nice empty roads .
Not much pics too but the Gopro run out of memory , but the video has to wait .



  • 2015-12-23 DAYTRIP OUT CM.gpx
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Day 33

After the usual breakfast at Riders Corner i leave CM via the 121 and then turn to the Huay tong Tao Reservoir.
Turns out this area is a public Park with entrance fee and a lot of bicycles , so i had to find another Dirt road area.

Further north from the 107 i get to the 1096 where the GPS Map promise many Dirt Roads .
But the 1096 seams to be the Bangla of the north with more coffee shops and tourist attractions then the one in Patong and what the Map
show as unpaved Road was mostly paved and in the middle of villages .

But finally i was through the Tourist strip and in a small quiet village i found access to a viewpoint on the map .
That viewpoint was nice build (with Toilet) but looks like had seen nobody for years.
The trees had grown and therefor no view anymore .

The Toilets not usable anymore , but still cleaner then the Parking area that seems to have frequent visits from Buffalos.

And not far from the viewpoint i found access to a single trail through the mountain forest .
The Trail is even marked on the trees with arrows and x so easy to follow .

But after about a km or so i had to turn around .
First i was not sure if i can make a very tide steep uphill section curved through a lot of trees where i'm alone for shure can not get out the bike if i drop it.
second , a certain body Part seems not to like the mexican salsa from last nights dinner as much as i did and make riding very unpleasant.

and third i hear some rolling thunder and the Weather report forecast Rain and i don't want to stuck in a mountain with only dirttrails in the Rain what will make every exit very slippery.

So i keep todays ride short and go back to CM where i had one of the best Pizzas in the last 15 years (Pizza and Pasta south of the Airport)



  • Daytrip25 DEC 2015 .gpx
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Hi Klaus,
I will go tomorrow, as planned, to Samui but after New Year I have to go to Singapore by bike to pick up some deliveries from Germany (red brembos, Cylinder covers and a tail bag) will be back in Bangkok around 12th or 14th of January and going to North 3-4 days later....still have the plan to ride to Lao. Got my number plate and the green book this week.... It's interesting to read your blog. Enjoy your rides and may be can catch up later....

Happy New Year :beer :drink

Day 34

leave CM today via the 121 and a small Road that lead toward Ban Pong Nuea .
I found this last year and think thats the fastest way from CM out on small Roads .

In this area are many Roads still unpaved and i play around a little in the Dirt .
Was a fun Day , try new (under the Footpeg )GoPro mounting Pos.

This hole area is a mix of Farmland and , lets say houses from People with a little more money .
Some fences / Walls around the property cost more then most peoples Houses.

This several km long Concrete Wall was even covered with a 2 cm thick, 2 m wide Rubber belt.


Maybe as noise protection or that nobody can peep through the gaps in the concrete wall.

Real off roading , leaving the Dirt roads can end badly .
The area has many Holes from gravel digging .



In best case the Hole is full with Water , falling in one off the dry one or driving in to the Barbwire that protect some of it will end at best in the Hospital.

Don't did much km Today but had fun .


  • Funride out of CM26 DEC 2015 .gpx
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Day 36

Relax , and install a Clutch cable gearbox to lighten the Clutch pull depend Traffic jam in CM suck with a heavy
Clutch .
Tighten my manual Cam Chain tensioner depend the Cam chain start making noise now with about 9000 km on the tensioner (20000km on the Chain)
And switch back from 15T to 13 T Front sprocket for tomorrows Off road trip with some local riders .
One day behind so i have to catch up .

Day 37

A early start depend via Phil (Riders Corner ) i get in contact with Steve ( local to Chiang Dao ) a few days earlyer and we set up a Dirt trip for Today
meeting at 10 am at the PTT Station in Chiang Dao .
The early start request a early breakfast and after dinner the preceding evening at a German Bier Garden i discover that this is the perfect place for it .N18.78430 E098.99244

The Bier Garden is really a Garden , one , a botanical Garden can be proud of and Dinner was outstanding .
Cordon Blue (350 gr. at least ) the best i ever had outside Germany (you can even choose what kind of Ham and Cheese ) 385 THB

As i leave i see the that the bier garten open at 6.58 am for breakfast . So i ask the girl "you really open at 7 am ?" The falang next to her (the owner )
NO we open at 6.58 am .
So i was there at 6.45 am and the Door open at 6.58 am . German punctuality .

Breakfast was very good to , from Coffee over the boild Egg , Smoked ham , Salami (more than enough), Butter and 2 fresh German Bred rolls (185 THB)

Then i ride to our meeting point here in CM . Depend i told Jan Marc (local to CM / KLX250 ) about the Ride he join me here in CM and we ride the 60 km to Chiang Dao together .
There at the PTT Station we meet Steve from Chiang Dao (CRF250L) our local Guide for today , and surprisingly Steven (CRF250L) a 50/50 local to china and Chiang Rai . I told him from the planed ride a few Days earlyer as i run in to him at the Burning shop in CM .

So we was 4 Riders heading under Steves leadership in to the countryside around Chiang Dao .
Steves knowlege over the local Dirtroads lead us via Paved , Dirt (dusty) but easy and crazy curved Concrete Roads in a Loop through the Mountains .











Look at the road up the mountain at the background


Had some close calls too .
Drop the bike ones as we cut through the forest for a shortcut . No Harm to Bike or Rider .
Rear Wheel stepped out hefty on a rutted uphill section (350 has for me nearly to much power in the Dirt , difficult to control it) But get it back under Control .
And in a paved Left Hander that i under estimate i got on the sharp edge of the now well worn Knobbis and the Rear end stepped out .
So i have to upright the Bike ,run wide and pass the up comming Pickup on his left side , the bank of the Road 1 m from a very steep drop .

Take it easyer from there on , even with more HP i can not catch up with Steve an Jan Marc on twistys , on or Off road.

About 5 pm we was back on the Main Road and say thanks and bye to Steve . Not without to set up another Ride for the next Day .
Then Jan Marc , Steven and i head back to CM via the 107 where we arrive at 6.30 pm filtering through the heavy CM traffic at this time .

Great Day.


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Hey Klaus,
I'm enjoying your ride reports. Love the way you post your tracklogs on google, it is very informative to see your route that way on the map, thanks!
That long 12mm rubber sheet you saw by the fence is old conveyor belting, that probably came from the gravel pit you passed.
I'll be in Thailand at the end of January for a few months, so might rent or buy a bike and do some more exploring around there, Cambodia, and Vietnam like last year. Might see you on the road, or if I'm near Phuket, I'll look you up. Bis Spaeter!
Day 38

Jan Marc was busy but Steven join me in CM and we ride to Chiang Dao together to meet with Steve at the PTT Station.
10 am after a coffee we was ready to go and Steve lead us today to another more Dirt oriented Loop .
After a few Km asphalted Road we head up the Mountain and the Road change quickly from Concrete to Dirt .
Still nice and easy to drive , but we hit a hell of Car traffic comming down the Mountain what makes driving on that tide strech of Dirt a little tricky depend behind every corner was a car and choosing the best track was impossible .
After we turn of the Dirt Highway asking ourself how 2 wheel Cars like Honda Civics come up here the traffic stop and we had the Dirt for ourselfs .

First real stop at a lookout .



Later on we had unfortunately come back to the same lookout .

Depend the nice but heavy rutted Dirt Road goes through a small stream and after it comes a steep section that had more ruts then driveable tracks .
Steve and Steven got up some how , don,t see it depend i stuck already in the flat in a rut hidden by grass and was a little bit behind .

I stand in front of the steep section and try to figure out with track to choose and select the very far left one .
But after 1/3 up the Track fall of at 45 degree in to one of the ruts and the Front wheel fall in to the rut and i stuck .
Standing there up to the axis in the rut and seeing that the rut gets even deeper 2 m in front of me and filled with some Rocks , wood and loose Dirt and the same 2 m behind me i had to accept that there was no way to get out there without help .

Meanwhile Steve helped Steven to turn his bike on the top of the Hill where he also had Problems and Steven slide slowly down in on off the ruts parked his bike down in the Flat and came back up to help me getting my CRF around .
Together we manage to get my bike back on the Track i came up and let it 20 backward down to a less rutted section where i was able to turn it on the kickstand around .

Meanwhile Steve scout out the Track further up and come down to with the Info that its to rutted and difficult here .

So after a rest in the Shadow , a lot of water and a snack we drive the way we came back to the Lookout .
But now uphill makes this way also a Challenge .
The higher power and torque of my 350 makes it not easy but also save me in some situations where i otherwise had stuck .
And my Arms get tired and heavy not used and trained for long difficult tracks .

From the first Lookout we came after some more rutted km to a second Lookout with Camping and a lot off Thais that camp there over new year.
Some Food Stalls too and we try the local sausage .

Steve prey to he Mountain gods for better Roads :RE

but was unheard .

At leased for the next few km , i was happy not falling in one of the Holes that cover the complete left side of the track .
Try to add some screenshots from the Gopro later , video has to wait until i can cut them at home .

Here are the Gopro Screenshots.
Some of the easyer sections.


Just don't fall in the little Potholes!!!

Looks not to bad from below.

Thats as far as i get.

Steven on his way down.

Then we came to a Thai/Japan mountain Park Projekt with a great looking Garden and views .






From there it was all steep down but concrete Road and i was happy about it . My demand for Dirt Roads was covered for today .
After we reach the Main road at a Police checkpoint we head strait in to the coffee shop there for a very good coffee and some time to relax .

Nice stone Garden in the back .

3 tired but happy riders after a great day .

Then we had to say again good bye to steve and steven and my self head back to CM.



  • 2015-12-30 3 HAD FUN.gpx
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Hi Homebrew
The GPX Logs are a function of Rideasia , i just upload the GPX File .
You can find it in many Ride reports .
Conveyor Belts yes but they have about 50 km of 8 mm Steel cable in it what brings a lot of money at the scrapyard .
unusual as fence .
Day 40

Swap back to the 15T in Front for tomorrows Trip.

And Happy New Year to everyone
Hey Klaus, nice to ride with you for the two days you were in Chiang Dao, looking forward to a few more rides with you. Enjoy the rest of your trip and have a great 2016 :)
Yes was 2 very nice days . Go tomorrow with Phil and a few others riders from singapore on the MHS Loop but be back in CM on Monday and have about a week befor i leave the north and go back toward Phuket . If i go in your direction for another Daytrip i contact you.
Day 41

Phil had arranged a trip with some Riders from Singapore over the MHS loop and invite me too.
And depend Phil like to run his 2 new CB 500 F in he offer me to ride one of the CB's for the trip after another rider had canceled.

So i repack my gear for the CB ( no way to shift the CB with off road boots)

In the Morning we meet at Riders Corner for breakfast.
The Singapore Riders Kevin (1190 KTM ) and Glen (690KTM) on there own Bikes , the other 2 on rented CRF250L .
Phil and me on Phils CB500F
And Jim a local rider on his Ducati .

First destination was the Radar Station on Doi Inthanon.
Out of CM we had to filter through the Traffic and on the Tollgate to the Doi Inthanon National Park we stop for the usual discussion about the entrance fee. But not even Phil get a Discount this time , even with Driving Licence ,Work Permit and Tour Operator Papers in his Hands .
If you look western you have to pay the Tourist fee , no way around .

The Road up to the Radar station was very busy and higher up it gets cold .
Time to test the Cabrio Roof at 10 degree , maybe the first time .

Depend it was so busy up there we stay not long and half way down we make a stop to warm up and then turn to the 1088 and 1263 and then to the 108 to MHS.

All this roads are very twisty with some steep up and down sections .
To much for some Car and Minibus drivers .
First wreck was a Mini Bus that misjudge the Road and parked his van on the rear mirrow in the green . a few km further a Pick up must have flipped over a few times and after that a Driver Car was not sure where he want to go and both front wheels went in different directions.

We had no problems and after a Lunch stop at a Gas station where we fill up the Tanks too we get to MHS.




And look for a GH for tonight . Found one and after a quick shower we go for Dinner and later at crossroads.


Gopro make some problems so no video and not much Pic's from this day .



  • Day 1 from MHS Loop.gpx
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Day 42

Or Day 2 of the MHS Loop .
We stay around MHS , went to Ban Rak Thai and the Border crossing there , visit the Bamboo bridge and a long neck village .

Phil has covered this Day already in his ride report .

I have not much to add , just a few pic's and a lot of gopro footage that i must edit after i be back home .






Jim explore the old bridge on the way back to MHS


For the second night at MHS we got rooms at Piya Guesthaus +6653611260 , the place i stay already last year a few days . For 700 THB (20 THB more then last night ) 250% better rooms with pool a very good deal .
Day 43
or Day 3 of the MHS Loop ride .
Today we left MHS and went back to CM via Pai .

So mostly riding today , nice twistys until Pai , then the Road construction work start and make out of a fantastic Road a mess .
The logic behind the Thai road construction , make a mess out of 100 km bad road and then repair it in sections here and there
with nearly no warnings when the road turn from perfect new paved to gravel in the middle of a corner is behind my understanding.

We stop at the view point .




on the Bridge.

and a nice bungalow and camping resort near by just to take a look.


Then we was back in to CM Traffic and Phil show us a small back Road through Mae rim that was compare to the Main road a blast .
Nice gopro footage , but that comes later .

Depend i was on Phils CB500F without a Mount for my Montana 600 no GPX Files from the last 2 days .
But we all had a lot of Fun and the CB 500 Engine is nice to ride . I would like to have the Power and smoothness in my CRF but the bike is not my style.
Handle bar to low for my taste and the arms to much streched out over the long tank
To low on the Footpegs (scares the hell out of me as my foot get dragged over the road the first time ) to soft and short at the Front and to harsh at rear suspension. Would also add 2 teeth to the rear to give it a better pull at low rev's out of the corners on the mountain roads .

But overall a nice ride , (think already how to combine a CB500 with a CRF :hmm)
Day 45

My Eyes burn already last evening and today i woke up with red swollen eyes .
No Idea what cause it but the tears was running like i cut onions all night long .

So no riding today , stay out of wind and in the shadow .
Day 46

Eyes fell better , no tears so i did a little daytrip .
Nothing special just a few km out of CM .

Twisty mountain roads with a little dirt in the mix .
surprisingly still a lot of Thai Tourists in the mountains.







Good visibility today , good little twisty roads but again my rear tire make me some Problems .
It's to square now and in tide bends it's running only on the sharp edge of the outer knobs .
Time to change it tomorrow .




  • 2016-01-07 DAYTRIP CM.gpx
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Day 47

Get a new rear Tire , same as the old one Pirelli MT21 130/90-18 at Piston shop for 2750 THB installed .

Left the old one after 9000 km .
Day 49

Just HUB meeting at Riders Corner .


One of Glen's Shots

Good example why quality Camera and Lens count's .
That's 10 pm , just ambient light .
Day 50

My Time here in Chiang Mai is nearly over , Time to do a last Day trip out of CM.
Last year it was heavy raining at the HUB meeting and on the Day after the meeting i ride the so called Iron Bridge Trail that was on this Day very wet and muddy so i had to cut it short and go back on the 118.

This Year its try for a few weeks now and i plan to complete it .

So i head out on the 118 .
Was a little cold today and the first stop for a hot coffee was at the Coffee shop with the Crocodile Farm .
But they had no Coffee and as it looks also no Crocodiles anymore .

So i stop at the Hot Springs for a Coffee and then at the PTT Station just after the junction that lead to the Iron
Bridge Trail , fill the Tank and turn around and a few hundred m back on to the Road that lead to the Trail.

After a few km the Pavement end and from there on its about 50 km easy going but not boring Dirt Road .
The Road surface change every few hundred m . Dusty , Sand , Rocks , Gravel , some ruts , Rocky and the steep sections are now Concrete , even wet and muddy Parts in the lower areas where the small streams run over the dirt road . And many Bridges , some with its own traps .

I add some screen shots from the Gopro video .
















The Dirtroad runs most of the Time along a small Stream , therefor the many bridges and the nice green vally.



different mounting points for the Gopro



Gopro need to add a housing with lens wipers to the accessories, need cleaning every km .

This 2 was the only traffic on this Road.


But also 1 Roadblock


close to one of the villages along the road.

The wooden Bridges are sometimes hard to spot , and the Front Wheel fit in the gaps between the wooden planks.


Near the end of the Road where it came back out of the Forest and join the 1001 .

Good view.


The end of the Forest.

From there on its Dirt Highway .

And the last few km to the 1001 need just minutes.

Then i turn to the Mae Ngat Dam and recognize it as i see it . I was here already 7-8 years ago .
But now its not possible any more to drive on the Dam like i did it before on the rented XR250 .

Depend someone realize that this is a spot that many people like to visit and turn it in to a National Park .
Now there is a entrance fee for the Look to the Lake .

Not for me i took many Pics years ago and i head back to CM.
But not after a good coffee at a shop befor the toll Gate .


  • 2016-01-10 BRIDGE TRAIL.gpx
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Day 51

Sent all the camping Gear and the stuff i buy here the last weeks by Post back to Phuket to travel light and start packing , fueling for the ride back south starting tomorrow.
Day 52

I leave my Hotel where i stay the last 3 weeks at 7 am

The Chang Puak Hotel is old , open in 73 but everything works perfect and its nice and clean and absolutly quiet with comfortable Bed's and easy access /parking just north of the moat . i like it and will go there for next time again .

So 7am i was on the bike and on the way Home .

Not without a little detour , i head north to Chiang Dao and make a Coffee , warm up stop at 8am at the Coffee shop i sit last Time with Steve next to the Police checkpoint.
Today must be my lucky Day depend every single red light switch to green just as i approach .
My Feet did not touch the Ground between the Hotel and the Coffee stop.

After the coffee i continue and turn on to the 1322 to wiang haeng . Great Road , twistys without end , at leased as long as i was on it .
At Wiang Haeng i fill the Tank and my stomach depend after 3 weeks every morning the Big Breakfast at Phils place i feel a little hungry without breakfast now.

Then i leave the 1322 and turn on to a Dirt Road that bring me after about 30 km to this .

And for the first time in 35 year i can take my old Position .

Depend i spend my time in the German Army at a helicopter division .
And we move the Huey's with klick on wheels in the Hanger and if someone stand there the guy at the Tail end has it easyer to hold the balance .

And as former Helicopter electric/mechanic ,cleaner i take a closer look to whats left .
Depend many Parts are gone already . Don't know as souvenir or removed y the army .
See some Parts i would be interested in but to remove it would take to long and i don't know what some army guys think about it if they catch me.







That Disk on the Rotor Shaft is as far as i remember made of titanium and one of the most expensive parts.
But not so easy to remove :LOL

This Sticker should be on any Motorbike before it enters a Workshop (just change the manuals name )





not shure if i would fit in there Today , even without the cargo hook installed .

but the access is blocked depend the landing gear collapsed.

The way to get there was a little tricky at some sections , steep uphills with hard underground covered in thick Dust made the Tire Slip and a Part through the Forest was even after weeks without rain wet and slippery . And carrying Luggage and a heavy Backpack make the bumpy Dirt Road not easyer.

But i am Glad i did it . Great Looks all the way .




The Huey

And as i just want to leave a Group of CRF's turn up .

We meet already at Riders Corner about a week ago before they left for the 2 week Trip.
The World is so small .

For the Way to Pai i had to turn around and then go south . This Track was easyer and the steep sections was dry until i pass some kind of Dam .

Along the Stream came some wet and muddy sections but flat and no Problem .
Some where along the Track the GPS lead me through a village , over this wood bridge .

and some km very tide single Trail .Not That one , thats a highway compare to the other .

And on the other Side of the River to this nice Spot where the villagers build 2 barrages.



Local Wildlive

But the next Bridge dos not look like it will hold my and the CRF's weight so i had to turn around and use a concrete Bridge .
But there was 2 more wood bridges where the locals wave me on .

After that village the road had some concrete section but about 25 km before Pai the Road construktion start and turn the way in to a
dusty washboard piste .

That traveler looks like he is on the wrong Bike .

Was in Pai at 4 pm and get a nice bungalow .



  • Huey crashsite.gpx
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Day 53

Leave the bungalow Resort in Pai at 8:30 am and head for the Gasstation , where i meet again the Guys from Yesterday at the Huey Crash site .
The World must get really small :) and all the offroad Guys have the same timing . never see 15 CRF's in a row for Gas:eek1

Today stand Road Trip on the Plan , target Mae Sariang .
So with a full Tank i leave Pai direction Mae Hong Song and first Stop was at the Lookout after MHS .
I see already a Week ago that the nice wooden Coffee shop was replaced with some ugly Concrete Slaps but the Good Coffee the had in the old
Shop is gone too.
What they now call Coffee for 50 THB is not worth to stop .

But got a good one a hour later .

Depend i ride this Road already a few times i did not stop for pic's , no video i was at 2 pm in Mae Sariang just in Time for the last Picture of the burn down Museum .

2 Min later it look like this .


Found a nice Bungalow at Huen Kham Kong near the River , similar looking like the one from last night in Pai at less then half the Price and i feel here even more comfy .
Day 54

Leave my bungalow in Mae sariang at 8:30 am and pass the old Museum again , was nearly gone complete .
Meet Colin last night for Dinner and a chat , found him at Riverside GH , his Kawa i could not overlook as i walk by .:shake:

Took the 105 down to Mae Sot and then over the 12 to Tak .
And like yesterday depend i know the Road , the views and where to get a Coffee i did not stop much and was at 2:30 pm in Tak .

The 105 was o.k. for the first 45 Km out of mae sariang, then a very bad section start where old Road surface is nearly gone complete .
More then 30-35 km/h is here not possible , even with a CRF (loaded with luggage)
Lucky it's not very long and after the Pothole section comes a dirt and gravel section .
Thats better to ride . Then Asphalt followed again by Potholes and Dirt/Gravel even with some mud .
The Roadwork i see a year ago is surprisingly still not finish and to produce less Dust they make everything wet and turn it in to mud .

Bike , me and Luggage was after that few km more filthy then after the 90 Km dirt road to the Huey .

But it last not long then the asphalt is good all the way to Mae Sot.
After the stop at the Shell Station i go up the Mountain on the 12 towards Tak .

On the 12 is heavy Road construction work to , less to repair but more to widen it .Asphalt was clean most of the way .
Looks like it will have 4 Lanes all the way soon .

In Tak i go straight to the suan sin hotel my favoured place in Tak.
380 THB for a comfortable room , and the cheapest on the hole trip.
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