Ready to go

Klaus the 4002 only has one short section of dirt then its paved all the way to the 101
Klaus the 4002 only has one short section of dirt then its paved all the way to the 101

didn't know that . North Thailand map show from the point the pavement ends to the 4047 25km of dirt.
If its only a short strech of dirt then the Workers at the end of the pavement will be finish with the Pavement in a few month .
Nice loop even for Roadbikes when its finish .
Day 19
Woke up at 7:30 after a very good nights sleep at the Sundara GH (tel. 081-7841739 , 400 THB a night
What a comfortable Bed can do .

8:45 , say good by to the 2 Malaysian BMW riders depend there head south .

and ride to the meeting point with Collin for breakfast.

after breakfast we ride to the laos border , or better close to it .
see his ride report from 27_12_14 for the Track .

Nice twisty Road with lot of very good views .






on the end of the road we hit the Dirt with a lot of steep slopes and a few Water crossings.

That one was still possible no Problem down or up again .

But the last one up was to much for me and the CRF .

Collin with his KLX150 was able to tractor it up all the way on the second try.
For the CRF , to long (stock) Gearing i needed more speed .
nearly half way up the front wheel bounce of a rock and land in the Green left of the Track what lead to a sudden stop .
Right leg at this Point 1/2 m to short to hold the Bike in balance upright and down we go .
After i got the Bike upright on that steep slope i drop it for good measure to the left side too as i try to get the Bike backward down the slope .
Had to turn the Bike flat down around , get it up , jump on it and roll it down .
After that action i was to tired for a second try .
so i wait for collin to return
No damage to Bike or Rider , was a Fun Day .



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Day 20

I should today change the Guesthouse depend sundra was fully booked for today and the next Days so i book another Guesthouse yesterday evening and was ready to check out today morning to move to the other Guesthouse and for that reason had cancel the riding with Collin today but as i want to check out the owner of sundra tell me someone from Bangkok cancel last Night so i can stay .

So i was happy to stay another 3 nights at sundra and cancel the other GH .

Look around Nan a little bit , nice little Town , like it .
But not much more done today .
Day 21
Colin let service his Bike so i was solo on a little bit further look around Nan.

After the breakfast at Tony's Place i leave Nan quickly , Trafic is just so easy compare to phuket or chaing mai .
Riding southwest first some small paved and unpaved roads , beautiful countryside everywhere.



On a way to a Lake/Reservoir .

i came to a small River with 3 options to cross.

The Fun Way for the kids .

The Walking Bridge.


And the Way i took.

After a short stop on another reservoir .

i head back to tony's place , meet collin and we make plans for tomorrow.


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It was great fun riding with you Klaus, good luck on your travels
Day 23
Leaving Nan at 8 am in the mist get me some nice shots along the Road to Chiang Rai




Heading straight for CR and arrive at 12:30 get me the last Room at Baan Bua GH .
Maybe not the best Rooms for 400 THB but great location for tonight .
Did a orienteering walk in the afternoon and relax for tonight .

Like we in Germany say (free Translation)
Cheers new year and have a good slide in to the new one!!!:jump


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Day 24
After a very disappointing New Years Night at Chiang Rai
( Dinner and Nightlife crappy .
The only reasonable Bar i fond was the Hangover , and this one was empty .
all the other Places , much too loud shit music or like everywhere around the Clocktower and Nightbazar "no smoking" but no free table anyway.
Lot of beggar in CR , and many western Tourists that looks like not much better .)

But got some Firework shots.



i leave CR at 8 am .

Someone told me i should ride the 1234 via Mae Salong if i am in this Area.
The Views along this Road were spectacular.
but unfortunately the traffic to , he must have given this tip to half of Bangkok.

First i can't find the junction on the 1089 after Pang Sa that lead to the 1234.
Drive the Road 3 times forward and backward , no Road on the position of the Map , right the street the Wall goes 20 m vertical up.
Not even a Trail there , so i turn back and use the the Road after Huai Ma Hin Fon that connects to the 1234 to .
That Road goes up steep but is very rough paved and totally empty . Both Sides of the Road are overgrown by the Forest .Look great.

Until it joins with the 1234 . There was the Fun over . Lot of Traffic but still o.k. until the Road get steeper and the Car traffic slower.
unfortunately there is no way to leave that Road , not even a Place to stop .
Every single square meter left and right the Road was used by the Locals to set up Fruit or souvenir Shops or from the Thai Tourist for parking . Including half of the Road . And thousends of Cars , Pickups and Minibuses crawled over that Mountain .

Some Places looks like as if you put up a Sign "Free Beer" next to the Oktoberfest .

But the Views along the Road are spectacular.
Hope the GoPro had capture some .
The only 2 places i found to stop was fresh Roadwork with lose Ground where no Car can go .




Finally i was trough and after a coffee break i want to go via the 1314 up the Mountain and ride
along the border to the Maw Mao Reservoir .
But on the Checkpoint the metal barrier was closed and the friendly uniform tells me "Road closed , no entry"
Shit !!

So i follow the 1314 further until it joins the 1089 again .
and was at 1 pm already in Fang , look around a little and decided to go to CM directly , it was still early enough .

And that's where i am sitting right now .
Next is to get the Bike cleaned and serviced , Chain is Toast , and after nearly 5000 km on this Trip the CRF need a Oil and Filter change.


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schrauberklaus First i can't find the junction on the 1089 after Pang Sa that lead to the 1234. Drive the Road 3 times forward and backward said:
Klaus was that point at N20.11067 E099.70030? if so I have already notified Auke about getting it removed from the map
Hi Collin

the not existing junction on the 1089 , after Pang Sa when you come from CR thats N20 06.640 E99 42.018
That's the exact same spot Klaus, I didn't realise when we rode together that you were using a different set up on your GPS, I used to use that one but changed as everyone else was using the one I now use
Day 25

Got the Bike cleaned , found a open Spare Part shop and got a new Chain and a Oil filter .
Parts for a Service , check.

What i can not find is a new Seat for the CRF so i can give my one to a upholsterer .

Anyone of the locals a idea where in CM i can find a new (to buy ) or borrow a crf seat for a few days .
Order one will take until Wednesday that leave the upholsterer not enough Time to do the modification until i have to leave
on 12 Jan.early in the Morning .
Need to get the Seat latest on Monday to the upholsterer to get it back on saturday 10 Jan.
Klaus at both of the shops I have used they will give you a piece of foam to sit on while the seat is being done

My seat modification cost 500 Baht and the shop is at N18.79305 E098.99358 or N18 47.583 E098 59.615 in your settings
Hi Colin

But on a piece of Foam i don't want to do a Daytrip from 150-200 km
I did exactly that Klaus and it was no problem at all, it was a thick piece of foam, try going to the shop this morning and seeing if it works for you, I think they open at 9am
Day 26

With the Tips from Phil ( Thanks again) i was able to found a second Hand CRF Seat with a few minor cracks in the Cover for 900 THB ,
no Problem with that the Top is getting new anyway .
Bring it direct to the upholsterer , finish on Friday .
So Problem solved .

Service the Bike must wait until monday , today everything closed .
So it was shopping Day .
Day 27

A Daytrip/Loop out of CM.

Guess i found today the fastest Way out of CM's traffic .
Need just over 5 min and a few km to be in the Forest on a nice , empty road with just 800 m Dirt in the middle that
carry me to the 1269, heading Northwest .
First Coffee stop opposite a ATV Track with some kind of unusual Camping Ground.


At Samoeng i came to the 6033 and then 5032 and 4029.

From the 4029 i can see some Buildings on Top of the Mountain , thats on the Map Wat Doi Pha Som .
Guess a good viewpoint so i drive the Road up there .

Until this Guy stop me at the end of the Road .



His gesture tells me "you stay out of here "

After i see the rest of the Way to the Top.

I follow his advice ;)

took a pic from the viewpoint at his feet .

next to this ??????

What ever it is , and drive back down the mountain.

After Yang Moen the unpaved Track start and go all the Way trough the Forest up to join the 1095 just south of Wat Pang Makluai.
Dirt means Dust but i was Lucky today , just one Pickup that makes a big cloud of dust and a few Scooters.
Nice mostly easy Dirt road , looks like there clean it up and make it wider not to long ago .


From the Road some nice views over Farmland , at least that look clean , both side of the Road everything is coverd in Dust .



On the 1095 i turn back to CM but where it meet the 107 i keep going straight to the 1001 and then south to the Mae Kuang Reservoir.
The Map say something from Boat transfer that i was planning to take but as i arrive at the Reservoir all i can Find was this .

Guess i have to call the Boat for the transfer over the lake .
But that may need time to arrive .

So i turn around and head back the way i came and via the 1001 all the Way back to CM.
Nice report there Klaus, you got posting the gps track sussed out I see
Day 28

Bike get serviced , fresh Oil and Filter , Air filter washed and a new Chain.
Little shopping and relaxing , that's it .
Day 29

Another Daytrip/Loop out of Chiang Mai .

Start at 9am and took the same Way out of Town then 2 Days ago , more Traffic then on Sunday mean it need a little more Time but not much .

Arriving on the 1269 i head this time south and after a few minutes i spot this at N18 44.158 E98 53.346.


Is that the same Train i have seen in other Posts on a different Location?

From there my plan was to go towards the 4242 over the Dirt Tracks and Trail i see in the Map .
But i was not able to find one that really goes through that area .
Lot of Fences with locked Steel Gates at one Point the Track was blocked with (what look to me )
cut of thorn bushes 3 m high . After i try it for a while to find a way i give up and use the 4234 and 3035 to get to my target the 4242.
Also there not easy to find the way , there are much more Roads , Tracks and Trails in this area as the map show
and easy to get on the wrong one if you miss a sometimes not easy to spot junction .
And for what ever reason a lot of nice Houses in the 10-20 Million range (if you call that still a House )
Some of there up to a km long Walls cut off the Tracks.

And some of this to .

Maybe left over from the Highway building where there dig out gravel.

Got then finally to Nam Mae Khan where the Dirt track towards Ban Mae Win starts .

At the beginning a Dirt Road with a lot of Cows and Buffalo.

In the distance nice for a Pic but they also block the Track and at one Point don't give Way even as i use my Horn .
Unwilling to get closer to there Horns i wait and after a few minutes the Owner show up and clear the way .

On a stop at a small stream with clear Water i was pass by a Motard two up .



No Idea where this two go depend 1 km ahead the Track look like this.

After 100 m fight with the extrem small Trail going in and out of the 40-50 cm deep grooves try to avoid the overhanging branches i stop the bike as it get steeper and walk up a little further .
As i see how that continue i decide , not worth the risk alone to stuck there and turn around.

Looking to the Map what to do now, i see i am not far from a Place i visit about 8 years ago on a rental XR .
Wat Doi Noi , not so much for the temple but for the nice view from up there .
Took a few very nice shot the first time i was there .

But another disappointment for today .
The nice view i had years ago with lots of trees standing in the Water is gone , now there is a huge construction site in the middle of the Ping river and everything covered in Dust . Guess there build another Dam .

I had enough disappointments for today and it was late enough in the afternoon to head back to CM i try to find a way avoiding the big Roads like 108/116 .

And i was selecting the 1033 not knowing that this road lead towards the Highway 11 .

On the Way a Road under Construction , even the GPS know about .
How long they work there already?

Arriving surprisingly on the Highway 11 and not finding another Way back to CM i decided
to use the Highway until i found another Road that get me back to CM.

That was the next mistake . a few km ahead a Cement Truck had unloaded his bags on to the Highway and force the Truck behind him in to the Ditch between the Lanes .
Highway Police already there and the Chaos to .

North of the Mae San Reservoir i found a way to leave the Highway and drive a little bit through Forest until
in a Village i came through a bridge was missing that lead to another detour that end again on the Highway 11.

Frustrated from all the wrong turns today i stay on the highway and go straight to Riders Corner for a Icetea.
Conclusion for Today : Best to avoid the south of CM
Hi Craig

Mostly wear parts that i need to replace when i am back home.
Break pads , Front sprockets 13/14/15T , Spark Plugs , Grips .
Need to send the old seat home via Thaipost anyway , and in Phuket i need to order (and wait ) for this Parts .

Only interesting is the Super Clutch device that supposed to lighten the Clutch pull .
Cheap copy for sure but i give it a try on the XL 636 with its Carbon fiber plates and stronger Springs
the Clutch is in longer stop and go traffic a nightmare .
For 150 THB its no question , works o.k. , don't throw away.

See the skid Plate i have at one of the shops , same price here .
No Shifter or Break pedal with folding tips for the CRF found .

The Seat i check out tomorrow.
Day 31

Oversleep , cancel Daytrip and go to check my seat foam in the morning .
Good decision as the upholsterer was already waiting for me to confirm the Foam shape .
Give him my O.K. in the morning and he tell me i can pick up the seat at 5 am.
So i stay in CM today , next good decision as it was raining in the afternoon .

Got my new seat , looks good feel good . No pics yet depend its raining .
Day 31

Oversleep , cancel Daytrip and go to check my seat foam in the morning .
Good decision as the upholsterer was already waiting for me to confirm the Foam shape .
Give him my O.K. in the morning and he tell me i can pick up the seat at 5 am.
So i stay in CM today , next good decision as it was raining in the afternoon .

Got my new seat , looks good feel good . No pics yet depend its raining .

No rain in Nan yet Klaus
Day 32

Raining all Day and Night .
Just Hub meeting at Riders Corner.

A Pic from yesterdays parking exercise after the first rain .

My new Seat in a few not so wet moments .



Wider and thicker where it counts , quality stitching too.

Feels good but ride comfort Test has to wait depend on weather conditions.

So most Hub visitors came on foot.
Seat looks great Klaus. Similar in shape and colour to the Seat Concepts model, but a whole lot cheaper I bet.

I'm sure your bike will be getting even more inquisitive admirers now! :)
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