Chiang Mai restaurants

Looking from the car park, downstairs left was great and had the somtam salmon. Have since been back to the downstairs right for the 89baht buffet that was ok and plentiful but not as good.
I am assuming up and down on each side is the same but the 2 sides are different.. We eat upstairs right hand side of the walkway up.
Yeah Casa Diverso is a real little gem...

El Patio doing great Pintxo specials lately..

Mama's Kitchen

Found a new Indian/Pakistan food restaurant tonight.
Its on the Hang Dong road just opposite Airport Plaza at N18.76422 E098.97639.



A good interesting menu plus other dishes that are not on it
Nina the owner and brilliant chef
Lovely filling beef biryani 100 Baht
Sala Cafe = Anyone been there since it burned down?

Looks like a huge replacement coming, maybe some Jewish lightning ?

sala cafe fire by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

Sala Cafe, Mae Rim

Beautiful setting over-looking the mountains in the Mae Sa valley, this is the road approaching the Sala Cafe

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Beautifully manicured landscaping, a great place to go relax with plenty of space around you

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Pavilion area seating too

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Clauss's wife who is the owner and runs it perfectly

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Great food - Pad Thai with shrimp

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Spicy pork with egg & rice

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Beautiful upstairs seating area

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With unspoiled views

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Well worth a visit

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GPS co ords are:

Sala Cafe - N18.90490 E98.92146

Here's a map below of how to get there - they have green markers on the smaller roads to direct you there with Sala Cafe written on them

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They have a website (unfortunately has music to accompany it)

Sala Cafe
Bump for the rider asking me about Coffee Terminal

Coffee Terminal

If you're a petrol head you will love this place, it's turned into a Sunday afternoon hangout for the Thai big bike guys in Chiang Mai.

On R 118, not far NE of Doi Saket, location link below:

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Not really sure what they mean here?

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A few being restored around the back

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& some really unusual stuff being fabricated too, very cool

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Owners private collection

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Well worth a cup of coffee

Just re-checked "I Dont Know " in Mae Rim, breakfasts are superb

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Great 0700/ early breakfast meeting place if headed north - I Don't Know

Owners of the fantastic Steak of the Day restaurant in Mae Rim (14km north of Chiang Mai),

- have opened a cool, new, early opening (0700 opening), breakfast place opposite SOTD, called "I Don't Know". No sign up yet, look for the new restaurant directly opposite SOTD.

IDN by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

Always problematic getting fed for a 0800 ready-to-go, this is a great meeting point if headed north out of Chiang Mai. THEY ARE OPEN AT 0700AM VERY FEW ARE!

IDN1 by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

Currently, the wife of Steak of the Day is running it, lovely lady. Food will be top class for sure

IDN4 by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

Great fresh fruit drinks

IDN2 by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

Location co-ords in Mae Rim Plaza:



Map below shows the location in Mae Rim Plaza

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(Windows spell checked my "See Paak", please excuse)

Google maps location:,98.94193,15z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0

Bing Maps:

Bing Maps - Driving Directions, Traffic and Road Conditions

Here Maps:

HERE - City and Country Maps - Driving Directions - Satellite Views - Routes
Kantanary Hills Hotel -Carvery Buffet

Gave this a shot tonight, 600 Bht ish including tax & service. The leg of lamb was actually the most tasty, prime rib was good too.

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Fantastic Chiang Mai restaurant guide

A friends new Chiang Mai restaurant guide website, beautifully done, link below:

Chiang Mai Fine Dining

One that he really recommends is the 540 Bht, all-you-can-eat prime rib buffet at The Nimman Bar and Grill Wednesday (Kantanary Hills Hotel)

Link below:

The Nimman Bar and Grill Wednesday Prime Rib Buffet | Chiang Mai Fine Dining

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Erotic Garden Coffee Shop - Mae Rim / Huai Sai

Katara had lived in Canberra, Australia for many many years owning Thai restaurants and cooking schools, her husband is an archaeologist, so for her retirement she wanted to try something different.

DSC_6454_edited by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

An unusual idea, came to mind after a friend of hers published the first dedicated book to Phallus, how about an Erotic Garden Coffee Shop?

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Located 7km north of the Mae Rim / R 1096 ( Samoeng Loop Rd) , on the shortcut R 3009 road towards Pai just after the Prem School turn off of R 3009. The Erotic Garden Coffee Shop is actually 2 turns off of R 3009 in the tiny Soi 5.


N18.97790 E98.91621

Google Maps:,16.91z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0?hl=en


erotic garden map txt by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

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A few more photo's from around the spectacular garden

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Buttocks in the grass

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I thought they were one-eyed-snakes?

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Umbrella holder

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5 months old - beautiful decor

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Taj Mahal

Some say this is the best Indian restaurant in Chiang Mai. A little hard to spot on the western side of Ratchapakhinai Rd, co-ords:

N18.78731 E98.99023

Google maps link:,16.76z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0?hl=en

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All this which would feed 2 hungry people was 500 Bht

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Shrimp curry was one of the best ive ever had, buttered chicken was too sweet, chicken pieces too small too.

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Great Naans

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Good pilaf rice

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Map of location

taj mahal txt by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr
Just an update to point out that while the breakfasts at 'I Don't Know' are still excellent, they no longer open at 7am, but have now started opening at 9am (which is a shame as it was a nice place for an early breakfast).

Any takers? |A collective known as the Fraud Recovery Group are very interested. Go to their website for Hutcherson’s bio.

Interesting background story on the boiler room op. Scammed punters should mount a class action on the estate.

In Cambodia the Chinese are/were running boiler room type ops to scam mainland Chinese.
170 were recently caught in Snooky. China sent a plane and their own immigration officials to pick them up.

Pity Western governments couldnt do the same when it involves their citizens
L'Opera French Bakery

To the west of Pantip Plaza near the Ping River, not the cheapest place, but they have great bread and a nice setting

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Nice brunch/ lunch menu

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Blue cheese baguette

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Place has a great feel to it

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The First Residence & Cafe (Mae Rim)

After Steak Of The Day, probably the best restaurant in Mae Rim (14km north of Chiang Mai), location:!1s0x30da3c37c7157dd3:0x9e0c54c170f3be5?hl=en

Nice cold aircon. & newly decorated

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One of the best pizza's ive had in Chiang Mai

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Other food

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If trail riding to and from Pai, 490 Bht rooms might make a good base for day loops, with good food at the end of the day

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Street Pizza

There seems to be a majority that say Street Pizza does the best pizza in Chiang Mai. I gave it a shot and have to agree, the reason, their pizza bases are the best ive ever had (anyone can put cheese on top)

P_20160522_184220.jpg by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr



Trip Advisor:
Le Meridian Sunday Brunch (Favola Restaurant)

1st Sunday of every month special amazing Sunday Brunch. Not cheap walk in price is 2,000 Bht! They offer 30% off so 1,400 Bht ish and its well worth it.

Huge lobster and Champagne to start with

P_20160703_122123.jpg by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

Really nice setting

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Prime rib and lamb with mint jelly - as much as you want

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Most diverse collection of quality cold meats ive ever seen

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Aged Parmesan cheese

P_20160703_123227.jpg by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

Fabulous selection of chesses

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Fat free deserts

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Mocktails change every hour and come free - virgin mohito here

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Fern Forest Cafe

Beautiful garden setting, perfect for a late brunch, open 08.30am to 8.30pm. Location:!8m2!3d18.793388!4d98.982086?hl=en

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Great cakes

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Nice pancakes

Forest by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr
Follow on from the post above, gave the Hangout a try

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Fancy pool tables are gone. one big screen tv and a projector now

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Having a go at the live band stuff

DSC_0624[1] by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

Decent menu, steaks, pizza's and bar snacks etc.....

DSC_0626[1] by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

Service was a disaster, a new venture so can be overlooked for a while.

They've tried to do panini flat bread. This was with smoked salmon, the bread was home made i think and scone-like, but acceptable.

Asked for a soda with a lime and got 10x limes in the soda, looks like he'd not worked in a restaurant before

DSC_0628[1] by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

Literally 4 meters away, a new KFC is going up blocking the view of The Hangout from R 108, I wonder if they knew about this when they signed the lease?

The Hangout is behind the KFC RSJ beams

DSC_0629[1] by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr
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Sandwich restaurant off the east side of the moat square on Chiang Moi Rd, location:,98.99459,17,normal&fb_locale=en_GB


234 Chang Moi Rd.
50300 Chiang Mai

090 252 6747 (Phone)

Meat 1 by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

Feels like a trendy London cafeteria style restaurant

Meat by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

Nice bread

Meat by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

Not cheap, tried the 249 Bht Philly cheese steak baguette

Meat 1 by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

Was very good

Caramelized onions too done right

Meat by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

Small fries 39 bht

Meat by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

Good quality food
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The Grill Of India
N18.78321 E098.98875
Prapokkloa Rd, Amphoe Mueang Chiang Mai, Chang Wat Chiang Mai 50200.
Its very close to the Chiang Mai gate and directly opposite the SCB Bank
Google Maps

A delicious chicken Karahi with yellow rice for 190 Baht
Chicken jalfreizi and rice hot and spicy just how I like my curries 160 Baht
Chilli chicken and rice 160 Baht
Tandoori chicken with garlic naan 290 Baht, they were larger pieces of chicken then I expected and it was a very tasty spicy filling meal indeed

Chicken curry and rice 150 Baht

Jeera chicken with garlic naan 180 Baht
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Dhara Dhevi Sunday Brunch

Special treat this is the place to go. No. 1 hotel in Chiang Mai, set on 60 acres, absolutely stunning.

Buffet is 12 noon till 4pm - 1,800 Bht PAX



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Amazing cured meats

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Best home made pasta station ever

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First class sashimi/ sushi

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Non fatty roasted duck

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Rock lobster, steak, lamb etc... BBQ outside

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Crab legs
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Oysters and cured ham

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Fat free desserts

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Perfect views

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Swiss Ticino (Mae Win/ Mae Wang area)

Popular with European cyclists that are touring.

Great host and great food. Not the cheapest place, a bowl of pasta ranges from 160-260 Bht, but is good and comes out of the kitchen quick. Good pizza's too.


N18.61658 E98.75703

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Friendly owner

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Some sexy carbon cycles outside

RIMG7048 by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr
Now charging 300 Baht for a tour (but well worth it!). Some great bottle openers can be purchased there.

Erotic Garden Coffee Shop - Mae Rim / Huai Sai

Katara had lived in Canberra, Australia for many many years owning Thai restaurants and cooking schools, her husband is an archaeologist, so for her retirement she wanted to try something different.

DSC_6454_edited by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

An unusual idea, came to mind after a friend of hers published the first dedicated book to Phallus, how about an Erotic Garden Coffee Shop?

DSC_6453_edited by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

DSC_6480_edited by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

Located 7km north of the Mae Rim / R 1096 ( Samoeng Loop Rd) , on the shortcut R 3009 road towards Pai just after the Prem School turn off of R 3009. The Erotic Garden Coffee Shop is actually 2 turns off of R 3009 in the tiny Soi 5.


N18.97790 E98.91621

Google Maps:,16.91z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0?hl=en


erotic garden map txt by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

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A few more photo's from around the spectacular garden

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Buttocks in the grass

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I thought they were one-eyed-snakes?

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Umbrella holder

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5 months old - beautiful decor

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Mama's Kitchen.

Its on the ground floor inside Tops Supermarket at Kad Suan Kaew
Nina, the owner and fantastic chef





A very delicious kebab



The sandwich was possibly even nicer










The chicken tikka with a garlic naan is a great meal





A hot, spicy and delicious chicken Karahi









The chicken tikka marinating in the sauce

Nina sold me a small bag of the powder to make the tikka sauce with
Wawee Bistro/Mama's Kitchen
Just off the 3029 behind Tesco Lotus
N18.82337 E099.01625
Lovely chicken massaman with yellow rice 120 Baht
Beef massaman and yellow rice 150 Baht
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Jasmine Hills Villas and Spa
N18.86111 E099.13641

This is a resort that mainly only caters to its customers staying there so although anyone is welcome you need to call first so they can make sure the chef is there


Quite a few interesting dishes to choose from



Beef rendang, a delicious Malaysian/Indonesian dish 220 Baht
Shiok about Food
187/10, Changklan Road, Changklan, Muang 50100
Located at the entrance of Twin Peaks Condo
N18.77927 E099.00021




I will certainly be coming back here in late october when I return to Thailand and try some more of Gabriel's lovely food

A very delicious meal indeed, it cost 350 for the rendang plus 20 Baht for the rice, with two portions of rice it was a very filling meal
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