Why we wear decent protection all the time


Senior member
Jan 11, 2011
Chiang Mai, Thailand
2007 KTM 990 Adventure Suzuki DRZ 400
Why we wear decent protection all the time

One of the guys that rides with Alankonda, while riding in the Doi Suthep, Chiang Mai area a couple of days ago, had a piece of bamboo go in his eye.

We're told his eye needed a few stitches but he didn'y lose his site - ATGATT

eye bamboo 2.jpg

eye bamboo 1.jpg

eye bamboo 3.jpg

Photos: Alan Pratt
It's as important as all the other gear you take to keep you alive in a situation....

A rides never to short to put on all the gear.....
Watch out for the bamboo for sure. Not sure if it's the season but it seems to really be hanging into the trails right now - almost got one through my throat yesterday. :shock:
Is that why they call bamboo the "ugly stick"?

I did the same one rainy day, took the goggles off to be able to see then 2 minutes later...


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Strong Painkiller idea's to take with you

Nearly every trip ive done recently someone has ended up on painkillers.

Don swears by 800mg ibuprofen.

I carry:

500mg hydrocodone tablets (take 3 x a day)

50mg merperidine (demerol) tablets (1 tablet daily)

I think Robert carries morphine tablets, the problem with morphine and merperidine in indigestible form is they are not anywhere near as effective as when they are injected into the blood stream. On the yacht we carry inject-able merperidine, which is only really used in an operating theater. A heart surgeon friend of mine thinks this is the best choice for extreme emergency pain.
Don swears by 800mg ibuprofen

So do I, I cant get the 800's but as long as I have plenty of the 200's I'm fine.....sure eases the pain..

Not sure where to get Morphine, it would be handy for the real emergency though..

I did a bit of reading about major trauma just in case my legs end around my ears in an accident...

Getting blood flow back to displaced items of the body is paramount..otherwise they die..

A cool head is a must....
Something I've used on occasion and readily available is Tramidol. A few hundred milligrams of this got me out of the jungle one time with four breaks in the leg. Not as good as Demorol but hey, beggars can't be choosers.
BiggieT, how did you manage ride with a broken leg??

I broke my leg and could only manage a stagger to a taxi rank to get me to Hospital...

Jeez that must have hurt.. :shock:
Hm, if I remember correctly he was transported out on a pick-up truck but also seen that same evening in a bar with a girl - have to look up a forum not to be mentioned here for the full story.
but also seen that same evening in a bar with a girl

Was she dressed like a nurse.......

I can only surmise he used the correct protection on that ride... :lol:
Well, I assume that the esteemed gentleman will reply in due course but here are some pictures of the mishap. Rest assured, he was well protected during the ride but that does not always prevent things. In both cases, the nurse, in what ever form, was not dressed as such:

It was 3pm in the afternoon, 90 minutes riding time out of Mae Hong Song when tragedy struck. Justin had a front wheel wash and a awkward fall coming off cement tracks leading down to a creek crossing which caused him injury. A 4.W.D.pickup was arranged and he was taken to the hospital in M.H.S. Leg x-ray-ed and found to be broken but even that can't keep a good man down,

Barry the nurse maid

Barry loses his nurse maid job to some one a little more feminine even at the grimmest of moments Justin still smiling and making the most to have a good time.

I can see why he sacked the first nurse...

Don't think I would have picked the second either... :lol:

No offence old boy...
It's always fun to ride with Justin because he's so photogenic.

Any trip that starts out like this...

... is bound to end up like this

(at least he knows enough to hold on tight)
Double agent Sallows with an unfortunate broken arm, off to surgery in the morning to have some metal plates put in

Best wishes for a complete recovery Justin.
Probably many lessons in your mishap; one being that, I hear, you weren't riding those tracks alone. :DD
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