Thoed Thai Alternative Route


Administrator (Retired)
Jul 1, 2012
Chiang Rai
Honda CRM-AR 250, Honda CRF 250-L, Suzuki V Strom XT 650 Honda XR250 Baja BMW F650GS
Myself and a couple of the Chiang Rai seniors decided to make a paved ride between the rain storms over to Thoed Thai, our plan was to ride from Chiang Rai avoiding as much of highway 1 as possible. GPX file at the foot of this post.

Screenshot_2016-09-01_19_28_15 by Bob Kelly, on Flickr

We snaked our way north passing many small villages until we arrived at Wat Muen Buddha.

2016-08-31 11.42.57 by Bob Kelly, on Flickr

On top on the hill is a new brilliant white Chinese wat.

2016-08-31 11.47.03 by Bob Kelly, on Flickr

2016-08-31 11.47.20 by Bob Kelly, on Flickr

2016-08-31 11.50.59 by Bob Kelly, on Flickr

Riding back down you get a commanding view over the big buddha's shoulders.

P1050374 by Bob Kelly, on Flickr

Back down at ground level it's equally impressive.

2016-08-31 11.57.38 by Bob Kelly, on Flickr

The entrance to this huge development.

2016-08-31 11.59.40 by Bob Kelly, on Flickr

Moving on as we approached the crossing to hwy 1 in the Mountain View Resort, with its focal point the concrete boat. Sadly the place is closed up and for sale.

2016-08-31 12.32.03 by Bob Kelly, on Flickr

Hitting the hwy briefly heading south to Huai Khrai then heading up to Doi Thung viewpoint for some refreshment, and blessed with stunning views.

2016-08-31 13.08.46 by Bob Kelly, on Flickr

As you head up to Wat Doi Thung, you make a left onto the infamous 1334 and its super tight series of S bends that catches out many a rider with its super slick moss covered concrete in the wet season.

Many many different hill tribes in this region.

2016-08-31 13.59.43 by Bob Kelly, on Flickr

The road is generally in good condition but you still have to keep and eye open for stuff like this.

2016-08-31 14.15.37 by Bob Kelly, on Flickr

Nobody had legs enough to climb to check this out.

2016-08-31 14.38.05 by Bob Kelly, on Flickr

After a couple of hours glorious riding it was on to Thoed Thai and check into the Ratti Kanchana Resort, the still would not budge off 600 baht a night and i don't blame them, its new and great room's.

2016-09-01 09.34.43 by Bob Kelly, on Flickr

2016-08-31 18.27.08 by Bob Kelly, on Flickr

2016-09-01 09.33.41 by Bob Kelly, on Flickr

After a fun night in town it was a nice easy ride back, taking the rarely used 1130 cutting out part of the Doi Mae Salong road.

Approaching Mae Chan, an opportunity to take some pictures of the beautiful wat being built.

2016-09-01 11.29.46 by Bob Kelly, on Flickr

2016-09-01 11.37.03 by Bob Kelly, on Flickr

2016-09-01 11.37.57 by Bob Kelly, on Flickr

2016-09-01 11.44.38 by Bob Kelly, on Flickr

There you have it, 250 km of beautiful roads riding with good friends reminding us all how lucky we are to live in this most beautiful part of Thailand.


  • Current Track: 25 AUG 2016 22:13.GPX
    1.3 MB · Views: 319
Great Photo's Bsacbob. Feels like your actually there. I bet those 'Ruts' could tell a few stories :)
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