4 th Friendship Bridge between Houayxay and Chiang Khong to finish this month's end
(KPL) Construction of the 4 th Lao-Thai Friendship Bridge, linking Chiang Khong District in Thailand and Ban Houayxay in Laos, is expected to be completed by the end of this month. Progress was reported to Minister of Public works and Transport, Mr Sommad Pholsena and his delegation during a field visit from 14 to15 September. Construction of the bridge and checkpoint buildings on the Lao side have been completed while construction of the three kilometre road to the bridge is almost complete, according to a press release from the Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday. The bridge will be 680m long and 14m wide and will include a pedestrian walk on both sides. Construction of the bridge cost about US$44.8 million.
Half the investment was provided by the Thai government, along with the design, with the remaining work under the responsibility of the Lao government with an aid grant from the government of China. Construction of the 4 th Lao-Thai Friendship Bridge commenced on June 2010, press release said, as part of the GMS North South Economic Corridor International Bridge Project, connecting Laos, China and Thailand as well the region.
An official opening date for the bridge has not yet been released.
:: KPL :: Lao News Agency
Note by LR: For what it is worth - I have seen quite a few dates being mentioned as opening dates like last years 12.12.12 and most were "passed by " but at this moment two dates are being mentioned as possible dates for the opening: 11 December and 13 December being 11.12.13 and 13.12.13