The Honda CRF250L on the 'Saddlebags' Ride


Community Manager
Apr 2, 2012
Chiang Mai
Having recently sold my Africa Twin but wanting to join in the fun of this event I was delighted when KTM Phil kindly offered me the use of his newly acquired CRF250L.

I collected the bike from Riders Corner on the night of 1st June and tentatively rode it out to my home near Doi Saket. First impressions were;

1 extremely good headlight and high beam.
2 'nervous' front end. (I later put this down to the new knobbly tyres on bitumen and my need to adjust to the bike after the relatively less responsive AT).
3 the bike was showing an ominous '666 kms' !!!!

Saturday 2nd June

Ally, on her rental Versys, and I arranged to meet on 118 at Doi Saket and ride together to Chiang Rai.

We shared a couple of steamed buns for breakfast.


(Throughout the ride, that Honda seat would steam my own buns .. but more of that later!)

I was keen to check the 250L's fuel consumption, given that I'm a large guy and we were riding through mountains, so I topped up at Mae Kachan and the figure was an impressive 33km/litre. We were cruising at 80-90kph.

My next impressions of the 250L were;

1 a very perky engine
2 I was sitting on the seat strap!
3 excellent gearbox with perfect ratios, even suitable for highway touring (well, at least at my subdued speed).
4 good suspension set-up.

Stopping at Charin Resort is a non-negotiable for me, so a delicious lemon merengue and cappuccino was delivered.


We went our own ways when in Chiang Rai, me staying at the delightful 'Few Rocks', where the hospitality of Khun Pim and Phil is superb.


No sooner had I arrived and the rain bucketed down.


That was 199 kms to 'Few Rocks' so at 33km/litre the 250L, through mountains and with a load, has a comfortable range of 200+ kms.

Sunday 3rd June

By now I had adjusted to the front end precision of the Honda and had removed the seat strap! It was stowed in the handy hinged compartment.


A group of about 20 riders met at the designated rendezvous and it was a chance to meet new people. I hadn't met Chiang Rai Saddlebags' Martin and Khun Worophat before and it was a pleasure to do so.


So off we went in the general direction of Thoeng and on to the wonderful 1155. This is my personal favourite northern Thailand road and Ally and I could have spent the whole day just riding the length of the 1155, taking in and photographing the splendid views it offers.







But the burning continues.


So off the 1155 and on to the Mekong where an excellent lunch had been pre-arranged by Martin, Khun Worophat and the organisers at Pa Dai where there were superb views of and across the river.




(to be continued)
Nice story and photo's 2wheels, nice to see that the test drive on the bike convinced you it's the bike for you.
Mr Martin Saddlebags sure is a laid back guy.


There was a vast array of bikes on the ride, even a couple of scooters (ridden by a young couple whom I later discovered would have had amazing stories to tell but at the time I didn't have the chance to meet them. Next time.)



So then we scattered in different directions: Ally, Phil R, David L and myself headed down to the 1098.
Along the way I topped up the little Honda again and this time (fewer climbs) it had returned 37 litres/km. Impressive.
Ally and I swapped bikes for a stint. Her rental Verseys was sumptuous and had a lot of grunt but I was actually keen to get back onto the 250L.
I was really getting to like it.

We stopped for a while at the Muen Chinese Buddha on 4086.




Then, needing some refreshments, we called in to the well decorated Doch Coffee Shop on 4086.
This stop-over reminded us of the essential need to hydrate before a ride, particularly in this humid season, and to remain hydrated.
Ally's Camel Pack is a great idea.




Back to 'Few Rocks' for the night after riding 320kms.

Again I enjoyed the hospitality of Khun Pim and Phil at 'Few Rocks'.

Sunday 3rd June

Went went to 'Chiang Rai Saddlebags' this morning, me hoping to find some XXL wet weather gear.
Not quite!

But we enjoyed a lengthy chat with Martin and it was a chance to see what gear they have in stock.

I liked these badges.


Riding out from 'Saddlebags' we spotted this beast parked in front of the Teepee Bar.


Then off to Aussie Clayton's 'Lena House Restaurant' for a good lunch.



It's on the highway out from Maechan at Ban Mueang Klang. Recommend.

That night happened to be 'Boys Night' at David L's place in Bahn Mai and, once again, I was made to feel very welcome and well fed there thanks to Khun Fon's cooking and pleasant company.
We chatted the night away, solving most of the world's problems before 1am.





Monday 4th June

After a large breakfast thanks to Khun Fon and David, Phil R, Steve KLX, David L and I departed in the morning for Chiang Mai via 1211 and the compulsory stop at Charin.
Not good coffee and no WiFi.
But the cake and their take-away jam is good.



Another consumption check at Mae Kachan and, again, the Honda returned 33.3 kms/l.

By now I was really liking the little 250L.
It is capable off road and, I discovered, it is quite an adequate bike on the highway too.
Great engine, gearbox, suspension and 'feel'. It's a versatile machine.
However, as a large guy, I would improve seat comfort.



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Thanks for sharing 2 wheels, it looks like a great ride and am keen to get on it myself.

I pick up my CRF in a week or two hopefully, it has been on order for a while now.

Can't wait after a long stint of solitude in the USA I am finally home. Just have to get my screwed up back sorted out first, 30 hours in an aeroplane will do that for you....
Thanks for that Ron, nice pics

Regarding your upload difficulties, I have just upped the level (AGAIN!!) so hopefully your images won't need a 3 handed resize next time ;)

Hope your phone dried out too, this mornings conversation was just a long bleep !! & yet your language was quite mild :LOL

Then to 9One Coffee to 'sock' my feet in the hot spring water.


And, for a couple of years what I had thought was an imitation Khmer Temple, is in fact a Resort.
But the money has 'dried up' and the huge and expensive complex may never be completed.



And then the Heavens opened and it bucketed down as we departed for Chiang Mai.

This Toyota Ego passed me earlier at high speed and this is where I found it.


The ride was enjoyable, the company was good as was the organisation of it.
The CRF250L is a terrific bike and very versatile.
Would I buy one?
And I would improve the seat comfort too.

Total distance ridden was 790 kms.

A big 'THANK YOU' to KTM Phil for lending me his new toy.
I promise to return it tonight Phil!
Blimey! After all those cakes and ice cream did you have to crank the suspension up?
Great photo at the "new" Mae Kachan Hot Springs Temple, thanks for taking the time to do this, very interesting.


Mae Kachan hot springs.jpg
Great photos Ron and it sounds like you are very impressed with the Honda
Cool report, guy, and nice pics.

Yeah, Charin is hard to pass by. May even be illegal to go by without stopping so I don't take any chances.
Great report Ron; great pics too, as always. The saddlebags ride was fun and relaxed. Bikes from scooters to a Harley, I look forward to the next one.
And good to read you on RideAsia Steve. (this is the guy with the KLX I brought to Riders Corner Phil, with the other 2 reprobates from Chiang Rai!).
Enjoyed your company.
Ron - Does Elkie, David or Phil have the GPS co-ords of this place, looks a real little gem way up north there?
Phil, if you are referring to Lena House Restaurant I believe these are the co-ords, thanks to Elkie.

20° 12.342'N
99° 51.540'E
Elkie said:
Great report Ron; great pics too, as always. The saddlebags ride was fun and relaxed. Bikes from scooters to a Harley, I look forward to the next one.

Welcome to RideAsia Elkie


Welcome Steve, thanks for the restaurant co-ords - great seeing you the other night.

Elkie said:
Great report Ron; great pics too, as always. The saddlebags ride was fun and relaxed. Bikes from scooters to a Harley, I look forward to the next one.
That will be my next ride Phil; figure 8s between Thoeng and Chiang Khong which include the 1155, 4018, 1020, 4014, 1174.
Ride up via Chun.
That should occupy 2-3 days!
Love it. Life is good in the north.

I agree with you there.

Looking forward to 10th July trip already.

It's a Tuesday so I guess the plan will be to ride up Monday & back Wednesday?

Nice report, loving the lemon meringue and crumble pie
I believe I went to that wooden temple place on my return from Laos Jan 2015, it’s good to see places where you’ve been
I had almost forgotten about this report and I am glad it is archived.
Thanks Capps.
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