Sumbawa - the side-lined island.


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2013
Lombok Indonesia, Bendigo Australia
Kawasaki KLX150, Honda Vario
Indonesia has around 17,000 islands and, in size, Sumbawa ranks solidly in the top ten. For whatever reason (I actually blame some early guidebooks which painted it as a hot bed of Islamic fundamentalism) it is, apart from some surfing sites, untouristed. For the motorcyclist it is a paradise. Friendly, honest people, great food, wonderful, desertef beaches, very little traffic, great main roads, challenging secondary roads and tracks, virgin forests, neolithic sites, Hindu/Buddhist sites, Sultan's palaces, Tambora volcano, traditional boat building and more.
Some great photos there, thanks. I went through Sumbawa in late 2011, on my way to Thailand, from Australia. I'd spent a fair bit of time dawdling around Timor-Leste, the West Timor, Rote, Flores, Komodo and Rinca islands. I'd heard some negativity about Sumbawa, mainly driven I think by people complaining that it was a "dry" island - ie, no alcohol sales except at one international hotel.

I found the island fascinating and I'm still in occasional touch with some of the people I met there. The main road was in the process of being upgraded under an Australian Aid project - from 6 metres wide to 8 metres, IIRC.


It got a bit bumpy at times


You mention traditional boatbuilding. I saw this one under construction and was tempted to find a canal crossing and go take a look. I would have if they'd been working on it at the time....


This was about as close as I got to Tambora. I had intended to take a look... but missed a turn with the roadworks, got to here, saw the water. which exposed my error.... and kept going


A local cop trying on my Super Enduro for size


I think my size had this local lady a bit bewildered too....


I'd love to get back over that way. Somewhat difficult in current times. I think my favourites in Indonesia were Flores and Sumatra though. I didn't get up to Kalimantan. My most recent trip was, sheesh, November 2017 and restricted to Jakarta and western Java. How time flies.
Love the photos. Jesus, I feel trapped back in Oz. Been back 11 months now and it's bloody cold in Bendigo. I had big plans for a Kuta, Kupang back to Kuta and then Bali, Java, Sumatra and back this year but they are shelved of course. Next year hopefully.
If you ever get out this way get in touch. As you know there is great riding to be had and not many crowds.
Great photos Steven! Wish I spent more time on Sumbawa than the 2-3 days I used just going through there during my RTW trip. The main road through the island was indeed great as it was made by money from Australia.

One day I will come back and check it out more together with many other spots I didnt see in Indo.
I was looking at Lombok a couple of years ago, in relation to a proposed new port / city. In touch with some of the powers that be... but it looked a bit iffy - and then the earth shook and that was that. Here's the route I ended up taking through Sumbawa


As mentioned, I was going to poke around Tambora, but with the roadworks, etc I missed going there.

I loved the horse and carts through the island (and more on Lombok)



Great photos Steven! Wish I spent more time on Sumbawa than the 2-3 days I used just going through there during my RTW trip. The main road through the island was indeed great as it was made by money from Australia.

One day I will come back and check it out more together with many other spots I didnt see in Indo.
Would be great to catch up again Kurt so keep in touch. I'm going to buy another bike when I get back. Maybe CRF250L, a KLX250 or a 250 Versys - any thoughts. I know the 250KLX supposedly has a dodgy fuel pump and my mate had to replace his but other than that have not heard bad about them. Daryl is still battling along. Keeping busy with his Moto Guzzis. Me? I'm doing up my K2 750 Four from 1974. Take care mate.
I was looking at Lombok a couple of years ago, in relation to a proposed new port / city. In touch with some of the powers that be... but it looked a bit iffy - and then the earth shook and that was that. Here's the route I ended up taking through Sumbawa

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As mentioned, I was going to poke around Tambora, but with the roadworks, etc I missed going there.

I loved the horse and carts through the island (and more on Lombok)

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The roads outside of the cross island highway are much better now. In 2008 it took me six hours to travel 120km from Dompu to Pancasila village near the port of Calabai which is on the west side of the Tambora Peninsula. Now you could do it in 3-4 hours comfortably. I miss riding over. The weather is perfect there now.
A K2 750/4, you say? Mine was a bit earlier than that. Here's a shot with my niece on it


and another blurry shot with me aboard, circa '77 - in the snow on Mt Canobolas. I used to ride up each weekend to see the girlfriend, who had a shack on a farm somewhere in the background of this shot.


I called that police-style fairing a failure after I literally got blown off the Bells Line of Road by a wind gust.
Great memories Big Fella. I know the Bells Line of Road. But not Mt Canoblas - New England area??

My bike was an ex NT cop bike. Bought it in 1980 aa a Cafe Racer. Has a Yoshimura 810 kit, etc etc

The photo was taken in 1981 in Brunswick.


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That looks like fun. We should kick off an old bikes of ours thread.

Mt Canobolas is 13km out of Orange, where my girlfriend-wife-ex taught for 3 years after we finished uni. It was a 500 km round trip every weekend. Great fun in winter.
That looks like fun. We should kick off an old bikes of ours thread.

Mt Canobolas is 13km out of Orange, where my girlfriend-wife-ex taught for 3 years after we finished uni. It was a 500 km round trip every weekend. Great fun in winter.
I can imagine. 500km in winter was not fun back in the day. My-to-be wife lived in Bendigo and I'd make the 300k round trip each weekend. I remember coming back once in pelting rain. I was really hammering, hunkered down over the tank which the clip-ons allowed you to do. Then out of nowhere a cop car appeared very close beside me!! He'd entered the freeway from an on ramp, obviously saw the speed I was doing and decided to give me a fright. I turned my head in shock and the sun glasses I was wearing got ripped off my head and are possibly still circling the globe.
The cop was a really good bloke cos as I slowed down he took off and kept going. I'm sure he took pity on me as I was drenched and he realised I was just wanting to get home. Happy days.
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