Myself and Pounce made the ride down to Kanchanaburi to begin the ride, we decided on taking the minor roads passing the West side of the Srinakarind Reservoir along the way, it has an interesting ferry boat.
The trail along this area is graded most of the way so no drama's apart from when my bike mysteriously packed in after a rutted section, after some poking and cutting a connection had come apart and we continued on our way. The ride along the Khao Laem reservoir is a nice scenic ride for a sports bike lover.
First job was to get my tyres changed i had posted down to Sangklaburi, here is the mechanics son helping open the package
A cold and misty start as we prepared the bikes for the off.
Phil looking like he enjoyed the cold water shower at the Guest House.
Finally on the trail and looking pretty dry.
P1010980 by
bsacbob, on Flickr
Until this, Phil having a sinking moment.
One of the many water crossings that set the theme for the ride, each one got progressively more difficult.
Pounce making short work of this one.
Oop's we have a man down !!!!
NO this is not the same picture, Phil take THREE !
Pounce doing some mid trail pull up's, well one anyway.
My KLX having a rest.
Not sure whats they are looking for, maybe a lost wallet :-)
Everyone still smiling.
Some of the interesting single track.
This downhill was a nightmare for me.
The rafting section, beautiful place to ponder, Ian.
Phil hoping for a Kodak moment.
Maybe this was it....
Pounce looking nervous.
Smiling local's
Think this was his dad's old shirt.
Nat having one of his very few slip's.
Pounce in fancy dress.
Phil snoring loudly at 7.30am all ready for his return ride back at 7.30 am....pity none of us had thought to record his snores, it was like an AK47.
Local chap happy in his work chopping beetle nut's.
Wanna see some puppies little kid's !!!
A Mona Lisa smile, or maybe he was just thinking of all the ladies having no underwear.
After noodles and group hugs with Jack and Nat it was time to go our separate ways and myself and Pounce went in search of more missing links and the end of our two day adventure.