racing investigations of?


New member
Mar 23, 2024
s atlanta .ga usa
pcx150 pcx125 c102 cm91 nh750
hi there and thanxs ive always dreamt about a long distance ,on the streets mostly open class(discuss this) road race a long gruelling 350miles event... im looking for ideas far can a rider go in one day? is a 500cc on the same platform as fuel consumption mite level the playing field..goes ..should 1000cc bike be allowed to compete ,,is 400miles possible in racing format? the race is on city streets and mountain back roads....
my thoughts on a Honda 750cc vs a 175cc Chinese ,,,both fast cb uses alot more fuel ,should 2 strokes be allowed to compete .i think Yamaha's are there... is safety wiring mandatory?
the final will be top runners from 5 heats
make a national champion....and a $$big$$winner...
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