Community Manager
:Oil in Oil a lucky day
Glad the locals gave some assistance.
So now you can have a few days to 'kick back' on those delightful beaches (but not Patong!).
Kata/Karon come to mind.
:Oil in Oil a lucky day
What a demented pri-- that bastard is! :boxing
Glad you are OK though and that you got support.
Thanks for posting the info re the company (Bgk plate).
I've often thought many we share the road with are 'out to get us'!
Well, my tibia is broken and there's some fragments floating around in the knee..... from a broken friggin' kickstarter. First doc said 3 months, let's see what the specialist says tomorrow.
Jonny likes the Rekluse clutch so much, he saw on the net you can now get Rekluse elbows, so he thought he'd give one a try
Ta da