Post your Asian toilet photo's spotted while touring here!

Pyay gets my vote. I know you are a key member and I will be at RC in the very near future , but I'm not brown nosing ( oops ) I just think that dunny with such a pretty lady in really stinks. And surely the stinkier the better ?
Myanmar border - & quite clean

Doesn't really rate with some of the more primitive ones... but I just found this old shot of me in Chau Doc, Vietnam. Fortunately, I was in the other room... this one would have had me needing to crawl in to the dunny.... which is just visible in the cave here...


This seems to be the standard in Sichuan National Parks.

In some, if you have sat & then get up, the sensor automatically scrolls a new seat & area below for the next client ! Other loo's require the press of a button to cause the scrolling.

Excellent standard !
Visiting China you see strange things ? photo take in a KFC just pity the person who will have to clear up this mess...

thailand and hainan 2014 1218.jpg
The Sound & Smell & Experience = Priceless!!!!

Ferry from Hai'An (Mainland China) to Hainan Island (Tropical Island South China), just beside the first class executive lounge.....





Szechuan Province, NW China. What a beauty?

The lumps slide down the shoot


Then all collected in an open air trough at the back, ready to be taken away and used as fertilizer


Somewhere between Pusat and Siem Reap...


Let's just ride....
Danbar, Szechuan Province, China -

An upstairs toilet, the excrement drops through a shoot about 4 meters


& drops into a trough below on the side of the house ready to be used as fertilizer for the crops

The one on the right looks like the only one it's feasible to shit in.
No bogs since 2016? Hmm.

Here's one from a restaurant near Phu Chi Fa

Nothing like snapping a log inside a (fake) log



Another one from the north east.

This is as far as the door would open. The entire bathroom was literally one metre by one metre. No sink. And the room was 1500 baht for the night. @ Magic Mountain.

Well, you can't say this one wasn't clean - it was the shower / khazi where we stayed on the first night out on the Missing Link trail


Second evening, the facilities were just a bit wetter


Now this one takes some imagination


That blue door with the washbasin and toothbrushes was the door to the head on the banana boat I went down the Mekong on in Vietnam - from Chau Doc to Can Tho. Great experience... but the boat crew was mostly women - old and young, so it wasn't appropriate to do the usual over the side. It would have been physically impossible for me to do anything but pee in there. As it was, I was popping nails off the cladding when I folded myself into that tiny space - unable to stand.... to try and pee.

Definitely no view from it... the other side


and one from Cambodia
great restaurant/coffee shop with an amazing view on route 1108 near Tak


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Toilet in old 4-5 storey Budget Price Hotel in Trang Thailand. No cistern, just a 2” pipe from tank about 3-4 floors up. Turn the red handle and this thing will flush anything.


  • H. Nice Cistern. Trang Hotel. .JPG
    H. Nice Cistern. Trang Hotel. .JPG
    257.1 KB · Views: 236
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