Phnom Penh

Re: Phnom Penh restaurants

Nice looking food but what about those ladies you talked of, pictures please :scoff
Re: Phnom Penh restaurants

No idea what you're talking about, will stick to food research. Steak eggs Benedict at Metro:

_DSC1410_edited by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

This is what Bob is talking about:

Metro Hassakan

Beautiful retro South Beach Miami style eatery/ bar. Amazing food, cocktails & service from beautiful ladies in black cocktail dresses that look like they came out of the Robert Palmer video.
Re: Phnom Penh restaurants

Was always especially fond of the lady on the keyboard :banana:

Re: Phnom Penh restaurants

Armund's The Bistro

Want an amazing steak, this is the place to go.

Location on 108 Street!8m2!3d11.5733585!4d104.9253247?hl=en

Pepper steak cooked in brandy, Armund cooking it

DSC_0389 by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

DSC_0390 by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

Great menu

DSC_0387 by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

Starter (cr LIVINLOS) Charcuterie / pork pate is pretty good

Pp by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr

Great atmosphere

Oo by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr
Re: Phnom Penh restaurants

Nice ankle chain :RE
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