Off road around Mae Sariang


Senior member
Jan 11, 2011
Chiang Mai, Thailand
2007 KTM 990 Adventure Suzuki DRZ 400
Mae Sariang & Omkoi are still probably the best, untouched, mountainous, off-road riding regions in Thailand. They are easily as good as anything you can find in Laos.

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Southwest from Chiang Mai and off for a look at the condition of the "Death Valley" trail

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Ruts were average deep and it was dry, with the motorcycles loaded with gear, being one of the nastiest do-able trails around Chaing Mai, we gave it a miss.

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Down to the 4 standing Buddha's just north of Mae Wang co-ords:

N18.64464° E98.81176°

Its quite unusual

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A bit greasy on the trail south to Inthanon

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Everyone through safely and off southbound

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Always looks good dropping into Mae Chaem

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The roads linking the trails were in decent condition

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Drink stop and fuel in the Mae Tho National Park

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The rain has stopped and its now the harvest time in Thailand. Corn, cabbages, rice & assorted vegetables all been plucked from mother nature. Its best to be extra careful on the farm trails with pickups around.

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We're now into some fabulous remote country, lovely trails

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The sun gets low and a good time for photo's with the light like this

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One of the bikes picks up a nail, we have plenty of spare tubes with us

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Some harvesters returning home after a day of plucking

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We're told there's a truck along the trail with a compressor, it'll be a quick way to set the bead on the tire at 50 psi

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They didnt have a tire valve but somehow manage to hold the valve down and inflate the tire

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Wouldnt inflate, looks like the tube was pinched, time for a second new tube

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Its a real hassle shoe horning the last piece of tire over the rim, soapy water on the tire lip really makes the job easier. Its worth carrying a vile of soapy water for this.

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Another try with the trucks compressor and it inflates in seconds, interesting how they do this with a rag wrapped around the valve.

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Into Mae Sariang for the night, a quick check of the tires before heading onto the trails

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The broken bridge across the Mae Yuam River almost completed

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Topping up with some pump up before we head in

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For being early, rewarded with the rising mist through the mountains

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A little bit of concrete between the villages

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The red sandy clay was bone dry, plenty of dust

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Beautiful ride into the Myanmar Karen tribe resettlement villages

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The amazing suspension bride thats purposely been made narrow so that motorcycle cannot traverse it

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Happy chuckling Karen Tribe ladies

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What a unique region this is in north western Thailand

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They don't often see motorcycles this deep inside, the kids were fascinated

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Back out again

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Chili's drying in the sun

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Looked like a fish catch to start with but actually was a hydro, the same as you see around the Vietnam/ Laos border areas

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Some very cool bridges in the Karen tribe re-settlement areas

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Can you think of a more idealistic place to ride?

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More unusual bridges

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Fuel depot's are kept away from the housing areas. Everything made of dried wood it would flare up pretty quickly

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The wooden bridge through to the big camp

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Back towards civilization and a little soupy in places

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Still nice and green

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Some fun in the shallow streams

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Surprised how much talc powder there was already

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Out towards the Salaween River, the first close-up views of Myanmar

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Buffalo "shipped" over from Myanmar. They sell at the border off the boat for 5,000 Bht, inland rural areas of Thailand they can be sold for 10,000 Bht

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Landslide and road widening are common here

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Out to the border town to take a close look at Myanmar

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Back towards Mae Sariang & how beautiful is this?

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A bit sore from a kiss with the bull dust, an early night was in order

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The following day a different way back to Chiang Mai, the warning red sections of road are abundant in Thailand now

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Again, lucky with the morning mist

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This trail back is one of the most fun trails ive ever ridden. Elevation, tricky corner, steep inclines, it has it all

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A few water crossings and bridges thrown in too?

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Some fun hill climbs

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Great views

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Twists and turns betrween villages

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I'd like to see this place when its pouring with rain

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Being 40km from a paved road, farming this area must be a nightmare

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Some of the best views in Thailand

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Everyone agreed, one of the best tracks they'd ever ridden

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Fresh concrete, this would have been dirt trails last year

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This Catholic Mission in the middle of no-where was a shock

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More great views

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The Plateau over looking Mae Chaem, what a view

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Doi Inthanon in the background

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Doi Inthanon

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The backway down, a thin, concrete road

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Mae Chaem in the valley

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Its one of the best off-road rides you can do in Thailand for a couple of nights away
Fun looking couple of day loop..
Looks like an amazing area to ride. Phil, would you feel adventurous enough to try to explore deeper on the Burmese side?
Next week I m riding this trip Chiang Mai - Mae Cham and over the mountain to Mae La Noi and Mae Sariang. Next day Mae Sariang - Mae Sam Laep - Mae Kong Kha and back to Mae Sariang. From Mae Sam Laep by a long tail boot 1 hour to Mae Kong Kha. From Mae Kong Kha nearly 50 km with wet boots trought the dschungel and cross many times a river. I m here te first tim 1992. Aftre nearly every 2 years its one of the best motocycle trails in North Thailand. Anyone want to go with us. We are now 2 riders. Want to start 22 or 23 01.
What bikes are you taking?

Next week I m riding this trip Chiang Mai - Mae Cham and over the mountain to Mae La Noi and Mae Sariang. Next day Mae Sariang - Mae Sam Laep - Mae Kong Kha and back to Mae Sariang. From Mae Sam Laep by a long tail boot 1 hour to Mae Kong Kha. From Mae Kong Kha nearly 50 km with wet boots trought the dschungel and cross many times a river. I m here te first tim 1992. Aftre nearly every 2 years its one of the best motocycle trails in North Thailand. Anyone want to go with us. We are now 2 riders. Want to start 22 or 23 01.
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