Senior member
Two locals trying to move a huge concrete pipe alone
A bit of help and they got it done

A bit of help and they got it done

Yeah but I am not sure if it is done in a constructive way as it looks like that the "competition between the players" is becoming increasingly unhealthy. As a result the division between the people interested in enjoying a ride in uncharted territory has become even worse in particular when I see statements like this on Facebook "..... ....... better stay the f@ck out of our way! *_^.
Personally I am so fed up with all the crap going on that I will have a very hard look at what is going on and may decide to pull out of mapping this area and possibly other areas as well.
Fortunately it looks like the the offending comments have been removed from FB, let's get back to the riding folks.
Nice pictures BTW Phil.
Last fuel stop before we're off into the unkown
We'd talked to the locals several times in this area and they confirmed there was a backway to Mae Long Noi, they seemed hesitant each to time confirm it, which normally means its a nasty trail with gradient
Phil did you try that track north of the new concrete bridge ??
What a difference a month makes.
Here's Bob in the same spot on Christmas Day.
What a difference a month makes.
Here's Bob in the same spot on Christmas Day.
Having 2 photos taken at different time in the same place of the same view means the NT GPS map, by unwritten law, now has to have a "scenic" waypoint icon at that spot.
This is too weird Kevin, four pictures, same location but i can't recall any good reason why Pounce stopped during our trip other than i was riding by.....
All packed and ready for another mapping trip in the Omkoi region. 3 bottles of Mount Gay rum to leave in the pickup base for emergencies. Looks like we'll leave the pickup near Mae Long Tai & use that as a base to save coming in and out of the fun area.
Looks like there's some really fun stuff south of the Sop Moei region to link up, we were looking at it today and it looks like it might go right through to Sop Moei, but we can't see how we get across the from the south yet.
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