Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia

This is on my to do list here in Asia, that will be next month
Excellent - thanks. I've been there several times over the years and have many local friends there. I'm probably due another visit soon.

There's a whole 'nother world hidden away beyond the normal well-trod tourist paths. The temples can keep you busy for a week if you so choose... and there's an incredible array of them, different styles, levels of decay or restoration and so on. Go 100 metres beyond the tourists and it's serene. These monks saw me tootling through and waved me over for a chat.

Then there's the harder to get to areas

Don't go there without spending time on the water. Tonle Sap is something special... at least until all the hydro developments upstream do whatever they will to it. The floating village is the main tourist trap, followed by the flooded forest. I left my bike in Siem Reap once and returned by boat from Phnom Penh. I loved the trip.
Next time I go back, I'll spend more semi-solo time on the water.

Most of all, I love the attitude of the people. This kid, back in 2010, stopped me "Mister, mister, you are losing your money"... I had a $50 about to drop from my pocket. It was great to see her again, some years later.

Angkor entry fee to double

PHNOM PENH: The Cambodian government on Friday announced a major increase in entrance fees for the Angkor temple complex, with the cost of a one-day ticket nearly doubling to US$37 from early next year. Angkor Enterprise, the state agency in charge of ticket sales, said that starting from Feb 1, the prices foreigners must pay for a one-day Angkor Pass will rise from $20 to $37, a three-day ticket from $40 to $62 and a one-week ticket from $60 to $72.

Cambodian citizens, as well as foreigners of Cambodian birth or whose parents are Cambodian, are exempt from paying the entrance fee, as are foreign children under 12 years old. According to the statement, $2 from each ticket sold will be used to support local children's hospitals. Last year, 2.12 million foreign tourists visited Angkor Wat and the dozens of other temple ruins in sprawling Angkor Archeological Park, according to government statistics.


Note LR: So what happens with all the entry fees you might ask. Some interesting reading in this "Tales of Asia" article which details who is getting what. - just a quote from this article: Based on these figures Ang Choulean has projected that roughly 28% of all park money will go directly to the temples and 31% will go to park maintenance and construction of much needed infrastructure. So for the time being approximately 59 cents of every dollar is landing in the proper hands, a vast improvement over a couple of years ago when that figure may have been as low as 5 cents of every dollar.
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