323-unnamed 14.646427, 98.706040 (turn left followed this road with some turns to HMK. mostly unsealed. easily done on a pcx. some signage for HMK - lvn HMK followed the signage to Erawan. All sealed road - 3199 to Ban Tha Kraden
the falls was pleasant. only two other persons there. was not asked for any fee.
stopped at the dam. due make sure you go in the correct entrance. i had the dam police all over me when trying to cross the dam itself. so had to go back and around.
next day rode to lopburi
3199-to ferry (10baht)- 3199-4041-3480-3086-333-3350-3502-3496-4022-3050-340-3032-3303-3030-3026-311 into lopburi
4041 is another must. views are spectacular
monkeys everywhere and plenty of cold beers in lopburi

the falls was pleasant. only two other persons there. was not asked for any fee.
stopped at the dam. due make sure you go in the correct entrance. i had the dam police all over me when trying to cross the dam itself. so had to go back and around.
next day rode to lopburi
3199-to ferry (10baht)- 3199-4041-3480-3086-333-3350-3502-3496-4022-3050-340-3032-3303-3030-3026-311 into lopburi
4041 is another must. views are spectacular
monkeys everywhere and plenty of cold beers in lopburi