When I first moved here, I brought over an old pair of Sidi Trials boots. It wasn't too long before they just fell apart, or at least all the plastic and rubber bits broke up. They did sit outside for a while at the back of the house. Anyway I then bought a new pair of O'Neal motocross boots here in Chiangmai. I kept these on the front porch, but not in the sun. They only lasted about 18 months and they completely fell apart. Again all the plastic and rubber bits just broke up. My brother came over from Australia and gave me his old trails boots he had been using for years in Queensland. Anyway a few months later and one boot started to break up, or at least the plastic shin guard part broke up into lots of little bits. I had it repaired and then put the boots away in a wardrobe, wrapped up in a plastic bag for the best part of a year. Last weekend I went out on the trials bike and within half an hour the other boot fell apart and again it was the shin guard and even the plastic covering the heels that went.
Am I the only one having these problems? I don't understand it. My first pair had lasted for over 20 years of abuse in the cold of Ireland and then just fell apart here. I thought it must be something to do with the heat and humidity over here, but then the pair I got from my brother had survived years of heat and humidity in Queensland. Strange?
My next pair will have to carefully chosen. Either that or start washing my feet.
Am I the only one having these problems? I don't understand it. My first pair had lasted for over 20 years of abuse in the cold of Ireland and then just fell apart here. I thought it must be something to do with the heat and humidity over here, but then the pair I got from my brother had survived years of heat and humidity in Queensland. Strange?
My next pair will have to carefully chosen. Either that or start washing my feet.