Shaggy me & the Volcano


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2011
Chiang Mai
PCX - with custom valve caps
Rode out to Lampang & followed the 11 out to near Mae Mo, the mining town east of Lampang.

This was my second visit to this area to find the elusive Volcano. After the last ride I searched google & found I had been so close to the rim of the volcano but was unable to see it because of the forest growth. I found this link to an image.

Doi Pha Khok Hin Fu Volcano

18.249193° 99.625682°

The volcano is actually behind the ridge line seen from the approach road that runs parallel with the railway line.

At the carpark I was met by a guy who wanted to have a chat. Seriously, we had a long discussion and he was extremely attentive. We bonded. He walked ahead. Stopped here & there to check I was still ok (we were both panting !) & then at the top showed me around his place.



The view from the top is completely obscured by the trees but you can see the crater falling sharply away through the undergrowth. Perhaps a visit after the fires of February & March will show the crater in more detail.

I thanked Shaggy for the visit & when he gave my hand a lick I told him I had something in my pannier for him.

We walked down to my bike & he sat by the bike. I opened the pannier & he made a grab for me. He was passionate. He was humping my leg as if there was no tomorrow. He was squealing with excitement. I was amazed he knew how I felt about him too.

I took the pack of bread rolls I had in my pannier & gave them to him & he chomped away enjoying the snack after a good shag. What a guy!




Further along the valley towards Mae Mo, I found an interesting temple.

Wat Chalong Rat Sattharam
18.255939° 99.631769°

I had a chat with this guy too & told him the monks were bad to keep him in a cage & he grunted & blinked a lot when I told him about getting out. So sad to see a wild animal caged like this.


This area of the temple had 14 rows of Buddha images 10 across !





Lunch at Lampang Cabbages & Condoms.

18.244304° 99.593170°

Now if you have ever wondered what the Hang Chat Arboretum has install for the interested visitor, I can put you out of your misery.
18.321401° 99.294324°

A few termite eaten saplings, very run down government style buildings, an 19th century fire engine and a building resembling a Chapel at the centre. Very disappointing but not surprising.

I had a great day, made even better by the fact I brought a smile to a dogs face!

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Ah, no wonder you seemed pre-occupied when I called you this afternoon! :RE
Hey Ally I was in the same area this past week also and visited the great mining museum up a little further at Mae Moh and will post up the photos later today. The area looks just great this time of the year after the rain with everything so green and the flowers in bloom.
Ron, you can only imagine!

Yes Gary, that area has loads to offer and indeed at this time of year a whole lot greener ;) Looking forward to your museum trip photos as I haven't been there (yet) .

"He was passionate. He was humping my leg as if there was no tomorrow. He was squealing with excitement"

Takes riding to a whole new level, funny i had a rather different image in my head, but let's not go there

Nice area thanks for the info Ally.
Ahh, any day out exploring is nice, especially when it starts with a shaggy tale of a romantic interlude ;-)
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