Options for the shorter riders?


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2012
Pattaya (ish)
I got my wife a KLX 140 a little over 12 months or so ago. Its now time to start looking for something with full size wheels BUT low seat height. She likes to claim she is 5'2 or 157 cm tall. Its not a lack of power thing although she is claiming she needs more, it is more to do with ground clearance and getting over obstacles, but still being able to get a foot down if needs be.

I am not to keen on going down the big bore kit, suspension, big wheels route and messing the KLX up. I also think financially it would make more sense to buy a different bike and sell the KLX on.

Requirements are: Fit or lower for a short rider,
Electric start.
Reasonably light.
Four stroke preferably.
Does not cost an arm and a leg oh and is in Thailand. (Green book not required).

I saw a CRF modified for TGF by drilling another hole in the shock shackle. Might still not be low enough for 5'2" but it might be enough on a road bike that is lower to start with.
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