Motorcycle Theft Attempt Foiled In Luang Prabang - Warning!


Senior Member
Jan 14, 2011
Pit stop after 6th ride around the world, in USA,
Oldest 1931, newest 2019, numerous makes and models in between on several continents
(One of my colleagues was in Laos last week using a rental Kawasaki KLX250 from Chiang Mai. He had checked into a small hotel along the river that had no secure parking, so parked the motorcycle on the street across from the hotel and locked it for the night.

The following is his story. It’s a warning for motorcycle travelers in Luang Prabang. These were very determined thieves, to load the locked motorcycle on a two wheel push cart and when it broke, return with another.

Some kids tried to steal my bike (Thai rental) on my second day in Luang Prabang. It all started at 2:30am, some hollering and loud banging on the front door of the hotel woke me up.....

Drunks! Jerks! I'm thinking. Turns out that knocking was from the neighbor man living next to the hotel. He saved the day...and my bike!

Long story but it turns out two kids had loaded my bike onto a 2 wheel cart and were trying to make a getaway when the carts frame broke! The punks just left my bike on the street in that broken cart.

Ok, so here we are all standing around in the street at 3am in our underwear and pajamas complaining about crime and the state of the world when that alert neighbor saw someone a good distance down the dark street pushing a cart our way. It was the culprits returning with a new cart! He then started running after them screaming in his best English, "I have gun I kill people."

SHIT!! I think.

The kids dropped the cart, ran like hell and made a clean scooter getaway using every one of their smoky 50cc's!

The next morning the police came and made a written report.

Picture below is the police making their report and taking pictures of the rental Kawasaki KLX250 and the two abandoned push carts.

Police investigate attempted motorcycle theft in Laung Prabang.jpeg
Re: Motorcycle Theft Attempt Foiled In Luang Prabang - Warni

Timely reminder to all about security and not to let your guard down.. Seems with the number of tourist coming through and the valuables the kids see.. is a bit too tempting.. experienced the panic of a tourist in Tad Lo that had his bag stolen by some kids 10 metres away from where he was swimming.. passports, money the lot.. he got the passport back but lost a lot of other stuff - Camera, cash, iPhone etc.

Good reason why the locals park there bikes inside. KLX is a little bit too lite and easy to carry away..

Re: Motorcycle Theft Attempt Foiled In Luang Prabang - Warni

brian_bkk said:
Timely reminder to all about security and not to let your guard down.. Seems with the number of tourist coming through and the valuables the kids see.. is a bit too tempting.. experienced the panic of a tourist in Tad Lo that had his bag stolen by some kids 10 metres away from where he was swimming.. passports, money the lot.. he got the passport back but lost a lot of other stuff - Camera, cash, iPhone etc.

Good reason why the locals park there bikes inside. KLX is a little bit too lite and easy to carry away..


Seems to be becoming more and more of a problem, with light bikes as you say they can be carried away & the realization of how easy a KLX 250 is to sell. Best to chain lock them to something solid.
Re: Motorcycle Theft Attempt Foiled In Luang Prabang - Warni

It takes 4 guys with 2 short bamboo poles thru the wheels moments to carry away a bike. Stay at trusted accommodation if you can, once they know you they take more care. Always park inside if at all possible, as indeed most places in Cambodia insist on bringing your bikes inside for the night as part of the service. Also a dollar to the night guard has never been a bad idea.
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