Senior Member
Jan 14, 2011
Pit stop after 6th ride around the world, in USA,
Oldest 1931, newest 2016, numerous makes and models in between on several continents
MOTORCYCLE ADVENTURER, my latest book about the first 'round the world ride by motorcycle, is available at the Rider's Corner in Chiang Mai. There are a very limited number of copies. Each is autographed and the cost is 500 THB. There are also a small number of CDs for 300 THB of the original scanned photographs and magazine articles Clancy wrote that were eventually incorporated in the book. For location and directions go to While there enjoy a good meal, motorcycle camaraderie or spend the night reading in one of their hotel rooms. It is my understanding this is now the only location in Asia where the new book and CD are physically sold.

The book took 16 years to research, verifying that Carl Stearns Clancy was the "first" to circle the globe by motorcycle in 1912-1913. Today, 100's of motorcyclists are living their dream of riding around the world. Clancy, who was 21 when he started, used one of only five Henderson motorcycles produced in 1912 to make his incredible journey. The camera he carried was far from what is now part of a telephone, so the quality of his pictures were, by today's standards, very poor. However, between the 120 photographs and the 27 articles written before, during and after he completed his adventure, he left a good enough "trail" to support the speculation that he was indeed the first to circumnavigate the globe by motorcycle. My research over the last 16 years covered much of the same ground Clancy marked for us to follow. He made a wild and remarkable journey, one that after five and a half of my own, I admit to being jealous of, because today travel is so much easier.

The publisher describes the book as follows:

"This travelogue originally authored by Clancy is for the avid motorcycle adventurist, the travel dreamer thirsting for motorcycle touring. Clancy circled the globe during 1912-1913 on a 1912 motorcycle. There were no GPSs, ATMs, Internet, and often no gas, roads or motorcycle repair shops. It describes the first motorcycle global adventure ride by the man who survived a dream quest with his gun, determination grit and guts. Edited by author Dr. Gregory W. Frazier, 'America's #1 extreme motorcycle adventurer,' who has raced, ridden and repaired motorcycles over 1,000,000 miles and five times around the world. Best-selling author, journalist, film producer and professional photographer, Frazier's works include 14 books and 10 films. He says of motorcycle adventures, 'I hate adventure that involves snakes and sharks.'"

As Clancy thought while riding his motorcycle at night in Spain, and later wrote: "One must die sometime and to die with one's boots on is very noble."

While Clancy and I had a lot in common, I believe I would rather avoid the snakes or sharks than worry about my boots or being noble if confronted by Mr. Shark or Mr. Snake.

Part of Clancy's 'round the world ride was through Asia. His comments on countries he passed through, like the Federated Malay States, Japan and China reflect a far different part of the world than we can ride through today.

The Introduction was written by another extreme motorcycle adventurer, double Guinness World Record holder Dave Barr. In it Barr wrote, "If I met Clancy today I would be proud if he shook my hand. I can only wish I'd had that opportunity. He was a real motorcycle adventurer, the likes of such we'll likely never see again."

I agree with Dave Barr. After researching the Clancy book my conclusion is Carl Stearns Clancy was a real motorcycle adventurer.

Ted Simon and I were recently caught laughing about some of our mutual experiences as authors, travelers, and acquaintances, but most of all laughing at ourselves. Picture below caught us in moment of clarity.

[attachment=0:cofge9zp]Fellow writers and 'round the world travellers.jpg[/attachment:cofge9zp]

Simon and I had been together earlier in the year for a day of book signing and schmoozing. We traded tales about our travels through Asia and some of the characters we had met, both savory and unsavory, discovering some common acquaintances.

During this latest meeting Simon told the audience that when he made his first 'round the world trip in the 1970's on a Triumph motorcycle he really thought he was the "first" to circumnavigate the globe. The release of the book MOTORCYCLE ADVENTURER recounting the real "first" motorcycle journey around the globe 60 years earlier was a revelation. When I told him the 1912 Henderson motorcycle used had no transmission, one gear and no front brake he responded with something like, "Close to the Triumph I used, brake-wise at least. It did have a front brake, but I didn't use it much."

Another Brit, Harry Lyon-Smith, currently circling the globe on a 1950's Royal Enfield converted to run on vegetable oil, recently purchased one of the books (only available in Asia at the Rider's Corner Restaurant in Chiang Mai, Thailand) and told me he found the Clancy story was "absolutely fascinating."

Currently a film option is being considered. It may take some years before the story makes it to the screen, but until then copies are at the Rider's Corner.


  • Fellow writers and \'round the world travellers.jpg
    Fellow writers and \'round the world travellers.jpg
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Ebook, PDF, Amazon and Borders

Amazon now carries the MOTORCYCLE ADVENTURER downloadable to their Kindle. Borders has it for their Nook.

A PDF can be downloaded from here: MOTORCYCLE ADVENTURER: Carl Stearns Clancy: First Motorcyclist To Ride Around The World 1912-1913 by Dr. Gregory W. Frazier eBook by eBookMall

And for those who like to feel the paper of a book and fold pages, autographed print copies are available only in Asia at the Rider's Corner in Chiang Mai, Thailand - 500THB.

October 23, 2012 is still slated as the beginning of the Clancy Centenary Ride to celebrate 100 years of motorcyclists circumnavigating the globe.
October 23, 2012 is still slated as the beginning of the Clancy Centenary Ride to celebrate 100 years of motorcyclists circumnavigating the globe.

That's not far away.
Is there a site where we can see plans, routes etc?
Thanks Greg.
That got me to Africa.
What are the plans beyond that continent; Asia in particular?
Best wishes.
The two Irish riders are "carrying the flag" beyond Africa to Ceylon (Sri Lanka), and then? I believe their plans are still in the works. Last I heard they were still hunting sponsors for Asia/North America legs. When they firm things up I suspect news will be posted on the HU pages. I do know they've got new motorcycles confirmed and that the sponsor will be announcing something on October 23.
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