"Linkback" ??


Community Manager
Apr 2, 2012
Chiang Mai

What does this mean (in non too-technical terms please)?

"Dear 2wheels,

A new LinkBack has been recorded for a thread you have participated .... "
Means the thread has been posted somewhere else, which has created a 'linkback' from that site to this one..

Its a way of seeing where links from here get reposted to.
Its Phil putting a link to this thread on AdvRider.. To drive some traffic from them to here.

Tho there were some sample bits also put over to act as a teaser..
Maybe it would be a nice idea to ask the author of a thread if he/she agrees to have the thread posted elsewhere?
I'll chat with Phil and Ally about this protocol.
Its posting a link to the thread here.. Same as google indexes links.. Same as 10's of other auto generated links.. Your aware Phil links any popular threads and topics on facebook also ?? Multiple groups on facebook actually. Its all about creating inbound links to the forum, which enhances SEO.

The thread is here.. Its a link to it, here.

When you put stuff online, its out there to be linked to and found.
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