Lift/Pull Straps


Senior Member
May 14, 2011
Chiang Mai
Multistrada 1200S Touring, WR450F, KTM200EXC, Gas Gas 280, PCX
Couple of additions to the bikes to aide dragging/pulling them around in the rainy season. Doddle to install. Got them from ebay here: ... 519wt_1413




Good idea !! I always thought if I took my bike around the world, one of the first things I would do to it would mount grab bars all around the bike, or straps like yours. Good places to attach things to, and anchor points for either mounting the bike down in a truck or ferry, or grab points for when some locals are pulling you out of a mud hole. The Yamaha Serow 225 had a grab bar in the front by the headlight, always thought it was a clever concept.
They're very handy to have Johnny, I still need one on mine.

Here's an example of how handy they are, but even with one it took 6 blokes to get Andrews bike out one day.


We even had to tie the tow rope around the wheel/swingarm for extra lift.
The mud was a bit sucky that day & wouldn't let the bike out once it got between the spokes & around the sprocket & Brake disc.
Yeah those are in my next order list also.. Simple but handy
KTMphil said:
We should be able to get these made locally

The strapping is no problem, but good clips and buckles might be harder to find..
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