Senior Member

What a great mountain track

This truck churning up the hill, with a load of Tunnel inserts

wave good bye to the friendly dam workers

Bridge crossing

Thanks to L i a G e n o v e s e for the photos and information.
Madeleine Colani remains the only scholar to have enjoyed unfettered access
to the stone jars of the Tran-Ninh plateau. From 1931 to 1934, accompanied
by Eléonore, her younger sister, she led several seasons of excavations at the
Plain of Jars, under difficult conditions and in inhospitable areas. Her lasting
legacy is the 2-volume monograph Mégalithes du Haut-Laos (Hua Pan, Tran
Ninh), published in 1935. Representing EFEO at the first congress of the Far
Eastern Prehistory Association, held in Hanoi in January 1932, her work
received wide acclaim and ensured attendance at several other international
Mégalithes du Haut-Laos
1930's photograph

Mégalithes du Haut-Laos

1930's photograph

What a spiritual jar site with Buffalo bathing in a mud wallow

On the return trip the buffalo were now worshiping the jars!

The kids are on the side of the trail miles from any village.

Peering into the next valley for trails, my next target.

I run into a local hunter, share some raisins with him,
who then agrees to take my picture with this pea shooter.

This kid walking along the track in the middle of no where, on his way to fix his motorcycle broken down in the bush

Great scenery

The days statistics