head porting


Jan 19, 2011
Is there a really good tuning specialist in Thailand that knows how to port Kawi ER6 and Versys heads - not some cretin with a die grinder, but a shop with a flow bench and the specialized knowledge to do a head properly.
If so I would like to see this track record so to speak before giving him these heads

I have ruined more than one set of heads and will take it to Canada or the US if no one here that can do it properly
Is there a really good tuning specialist in Thailand that knows how to port Kawi ER6 and Versys heads - not some cretin with a die grinder, but a shop with a flow bench and the specialized knowledge to do a head properly.
If so I would like to see this track record so to speak before giving him these heads

I have ruined more than one set of heads and will take it to Canada or the US if no one here that can do it properly

Rob - your best bet would be to contact Luke & Colin who've been racing ER6's and SB1 successfully in Thailand for the Panadda Racing Team. If they don't know, no one will. Let me know if you need contact details.
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