Go Pro Hero 3 Black updating with Macbook pro help required please


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2012
Pattaya (ish)
My Contour recently stopped charging so used that as an excuse to buy a new go pro 3 black, which at the moment I am regretting and getting annoyed with.

I am trying to update the software, for some reason Java isn't working and failing to detect the camera, so follow the manual update instructions which then download a zipped file, when I attempt to unzip it to the micro sd card, it says failed to extract and shows a 0mb file name on the card.

Any ideas?

Why they can not make things plug and play is beyond me, take video, plug it into my Mac, and edit in imovie, what could be simpler........
You need to have a 64 bit computer as otherwise Jave will not detect the camera. By the way, did you follow the instructions on their website to enable the manual update?
The first time I updated my 3 through the Gopro website (java) at the beginning g of the year it recognised the camera instantly and c/o the update without errors. Last month I tried to update again to the latest release using the same method. Only difference this time I had to install A Java update which I did, however the camera did not get recognised and I ended up doing the manual update like yourself. Only pita was having to take it apart to get the serial number. I'm not 100% but I don't remember having to unzip the downloaded file even though it stated this in the instructions. I just copied the file into the ad card and away it went with the update. Maybe try to download the update again.

oh I'm using an iMac
I couldn't do it using OSX so opened up parallels and used windows, installed the java add on and lo and behold it updated. I could not detect the camera automatically but somehow the manual update worked ok. Not sure why I couldn't do it using OSX. Only took around 6 hours of swearing, frustration and the go-pro almost ending up in the pool minus its waterproof case. The Contour from memory was far easier to set up and register/ update.

Cheers for the replies.
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