Fuel Leak


Community Manager
Jun 28, 2011
BMW 310GS Honda Wave 125 Honda MSX 125
For the last couple of weeks I have sometimes smelt petrol when I stop but thought nothing of it, today I noticed that with a full tank when I stop while dirt riding that when the bike is put on the side stand fuel is dripping out of the end of a pipe that is just under the left radiator and just above the charcoal canister.

Is this possibly because the rubber of the fuel cap is failing allowing fuel to escape down the overflow tube or should the end of this pipe be connected to something?

I didnt see any fuel dripping when riding on a smooth paved surface and once the fuel level had gone down no more dripped offroad either
Full tank, 100 deg fht. Is it an overflow hose for the fuel tank and the fuel is expanding in the tank when already full? If not a overflow tank hose, then more thinking.
Possibly thats the cause Phil, I am guessing its an overflow hose, I will tell them about it at Kawasaki as soon as I get back to Chiang Mai, one of my fork oil seals has also blown so thats two things for them to look at
Possibly thats the cause Phil, I am guessing its an overflow hose, I will tell them about it at Kawasaki as soon as I get back to Chiang Mai, one of my fork oil seals has also blown so thats two things for them to look at

You could try clean out the fork seal with a waxed playing card, it sometimes gets the dirt out and stops the leak (only sometimes). If its on the brake rotor side wrap a rag around the fork below the seal to keep the rotor dry.
My guess is the seals have gone or on their way out Colin with Kms you have this done this far on the KLX mainly on dirt I would get them changed, regarding the fuel leak i am sure its just expansion my KLX does the same when its been overfilled in this hot weather plus with the bike is likely covered in bull dust you are more likely to notice it.
My guess is the seals have gone or on their way out Colin with Kms you have this done this far on the KLX mainly on dirt I would get them changed, regarding the fuel leak i am sure its just expansion my KLX does the same when its been overfilled in this hot weather plus with the bike is likely covered in bull dust you are more likely to notice it.

Thats good to know Bob that yours leaks fuel too so I wont worry about it then, yes the fork seal is definitely gone, it went a couple of weeks ago
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