Fabrication - Chiang Mai


Senior Member
Nov 2, 2011
The side of my bash plate had broken off so I need a new part fabricated and welded on. A friend gave me another bash plate, new, to use as a template. I was recommended to go to DKT (Dang Glonpla Too - sp?). I took both parts in yesterday and they were ready for collection today. In addition to repairing my bash plate they recommended welding the new bash plate to strengthen it - sounded like a good idea so said to go ahead.

Repaired Bash Plate - The repair was replacing the 'wing' circled in red. Not a bad job.

Additional Welds on New bash Plate - Pretty good welds

The Invoice - more than I was expecting! Non negotiable.

The Company
DKT. Heading west on Mahidol Road (1141), just before you get to the Hang Dong Road (108) they are down a Soi on the left just before the slip road starts. Highlighted in yellow below
Link to location in Google maps; https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=e...YJK-miOpGRJQu0EHtaA_Rg&cbp=12,185.37,,0,-9.24

Any views on this?

looks a good idea. was the original a ktm bashplate?
Check for distortion
How thick is the alloy?
I dont think you can get quality alloy over here, better to repair than get a new one made up
Any views on this?


My personal view will probably not count for much and I am not sure what you are asking for "Any views on this?"

I went to a different hairdresser a while back & after they washed & dried my hair (badly) they wanted to charge me 200baht. Typically the price I pay is 70 baht! I made the mistake of not asking the price before hand.

It's the same with Dang's shop, ask up front & you don't feel so bad when you hear the number they dream up there & then. On collection of the product, it's after the work has been done & indeed non negotiable, they have the finished article for you & will tell you what work they did to qualify their price.

However, Dangs place is where I have gone to many times, come away satisfied with their work and their prices.

Seems very expensive to me.

I can't read Thai but it looks like either 1,200 baht for materials and 600 baht for labour or the other way round, either way IMO very expensive.
Original is a KTM bash plate, made form 4mm aluminium plate. Repaired plate seems fine, I will fit it later today.

In my initial post I provided factual information and was interested to get others opinion. I agree I could have asked for a price upfront, but as it was such a small simple job I did not bother. My 'personal' opinion is it was way overpriced - $57usd. It's less than an hours work and the material cost is negligible. I used to use Mr Gwan near the corner of the moat by Nana Screw, but he has moved and I can't find his new place. He has done loads of little jobs like this for me and the price has always been reasonable - without agreeing it up front.

I'm happy with the quality of the finished product.
I put a gps coord to mr kwans new place in a post a while back. Should find it if u do a search.
I put a gps coord to mr kwans new place in a post a while back. Should find it if u do a search.

I bookmarked that thread as i want to get a bash plate for my KDX.

"about 18.806137,99.012973"
Thanks for the link and directions to Mr Gwan. I tried to follow the map that he put on his old shop gate, but it didn't make any sense to me.
I got a bashplate copied by mr kwan for a KLX
I was quoted 1500bt for 4mm alloy, but he made it out of 3mm alloy so he finally charged me 1200baht
I got a bashplate copied by mr kwan for a KLX
I was quoted 1500bt for 4mm alloy, but he made it out of 3mm alloy so he finally charged me 1200baht

Cheers Alex.

I`ve got an idea that the KDX frame may be similar to the KLX frame. So it may not be too much trouble/cost effective to get one made by him.
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