Compulsory Insurance-what's covered?


Senior Member
Jan 30, 2011
When you buy tax you have to have insurance, so you buy it there for 600baht (250cc)
What is actually covered?
Is it just third party medical and/or bike damage expenses?
Is there any medical cover for yourself if you are just riding along and fall off?

How much can be claimed?

Will it affect my No Claims bonus nextyear?
I think you are covered for injuring someone else up to about 50k baht.
You can claim 15k hospital for yourself, 100% for sure.. Dont know (dont think so TBH) own bike damage.. Dont think theres any NCB. Yes just falling off alone counts but you need a police report.

Had no idea it paid as much as 50k to others.. Given the rate of bike accidents here, that seems highly unprofitable for the issuer.. A ratio that implies one full claim accident per bike almost every 100 years ?!?!
^ faint memory from Kelds episode.

Not sure if he got it but remember he mentioned something like that.
Compulsory insurance has NO coverage for bike damage, NO coverage for property damage.

From an incident years ago, 15k for the driver, 50k for other injured party. The company will pay the first 15k of the 50k direct to the hospital, the rest must be paid and claimed.

For a minimal amount, you can get extended 3rd party coverage. 100k medical, 5k property damage, 200k bail bond.
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