Senior member
Great race event just north of Chiang Mai city, which was very well organized. The track was a little small but did spoil the racing or the mild drama.
No outside assistance was allowed (to start of with?)
DSC_0011_edited by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr
DSC_0108_edited by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr
First up was the men's novice class
DSC_0003_edited by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr
DSC_0004_edited by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr
A few rider's had a mud bath
DSC_0007_edited by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr
DSC_0008_edited by Triangle Golden 007, on Flickr
No outside assistance was allowed (to start of with?)

First up was the men's novice class

A few rider's had a mud bath