Fabiano Nero
Junior Member
Dear all, I needed to replace my 2000 AT RD07's coolant after replacing the thermostat. Mecanic put this Thai Honda Premix 1 (light blue see photo 1) which makes the engine warm up slower but once it reaches fan triggering temp it also cools off much slower - i.e. higher average and higher max temp (just below the red on slow offroad where it never went before). I suspect the coolant is for lighter bikes (up to 300 cc ?) but on the other hand I read that 'light' coolant i.e. diluted down to 20% glycol is indicated for hot climates / lots of offroad VERY hot weather coolant? . So while it seems logical to use a heavy duty coolant (see photo #2) on the other hand it also seems a coolant as close as possible to water is
indicated... Your experiences and advice please ?.... Thanks ! Fabiano
indicated... Your experiences and advice please ?.... Thanks ! Fabiano