An issue we all need to be concerned about. Years ago when I came over as a tourist to CNX i rented an XR 250 and hired a gent named Ya to take me bashing about the bush surrounding the city. Ya took me up to Doi Sutthep with 10 other Thai gents and thrashed me about the hills for a day. The camraderie, terrain, and easy access from the city is a key reason why I chose CNX to reside. Easy dirt biking from my front door.
Well the times are a changing it seems and not for the better. Much like the 60's transition from gals wearing mini skirts to bloody bell bottom jeans all is not peaches and cream on the horizon. There are signs posted at various access roads leading up the mountain. These are the paths one typically uses on their dirt bikes to get onto the mountain. Here's one of the signs.

Here's a close-up of the sign that concerns us.

As you can see it is both in English and in Thai. Bottom line no offroad bikes allowed on the mountain of Doi Sutthep. Not certain roads but the whole mountain. We are fortunate enough to have had access to riding in a National Park like Sutthep. It may be coming to an end which will impose a serious life changing event for myself and I know others that enjoy off road recreation. We can most definitely sneak in here and there but that is not the point. It is a trend that i believe we as riders need to work with diplomatically so that it does not progress farther and potentially reverse. Luke and I had a chat with the ranger and discussed some details on what the issues were concerning the ban, people, who made the riding illegal and why etc. We know who to contact and I would like to have a sitdown with the local riders to put our heads together and come up with a proposal that addresses the issues the National Park has with riding and what we can do proactively to maintain access to the park by working with the park staff.
I'll add more of what we do know a bit later but most everything at this point is unknown. I'd like to get CNX riders that use Sutthep regularly together for a chin wag and start outlining some potential thoughts and then set-up a meeting with the head honcho.
Whom wants to be included in this topic and who is not in Chiang Mai currently that wants access to Sutthep?
I know John S, Darren B. are out until next week.
Well the times are a changing it seems and not for the better. Much like the 60's transition from gals wearing mini skirts to bloody bell bottom jeans all is not peaches and cream on the horizon. There are signs posted at various access roads leading up the mountain. These are the paths one typically uses on their dirt bikes to get onto the mountain. Here's one of the signs.

Here's a close-up of the sign that concerns us.

As you can see it is both in English and in Thai. Bottom line no offroad bikes allowed on the mountain of Doi Sutthep. Not certain roads but the whole mountain. We are fortunate enough to have had access to riding in a National Park like Sutthep. It may be coming to an end which will impose a serious life changing event for myself and I know others that enjoy off road recreation. We can most definitely sneak in here and there but that is not the point. It is a trend that i believe we as riders need to work with diplomatically so that it does not progress farther and potentially reverse. Luke and I had a chat with the ranger and discussed some details on what the issues were concerning the ban, people, who made the riding illegal and why etc. We know who to contact and I would like to have a sitdown with the local riders to put our heads together and come up with a proposal that addresses the issues the National Park has with riding and what we can do proactively to maintain access to the park by working with the park staff.
I'll add more of what we do know a bit later but most everything at this point is unknown. I'd like to get CNX riders that use Sutthep regularly together for a chin wag and start outlining some potential thoughts and then set-up a meeting with the head honcho.
Whom wants to be included in this topic and who is not in Chiang Mai currently that wants access to Sutthep?
I know John S, Darren B. are out until next week.