
Looks like you had fun mate, we have unfinished riding to do in the wonderland that is Laos....

Great report... :RO

see you there next year... :DD
Awesome pictures, video and story Mr Pounce, might have to move this to the legendary section, you said you would do an awesome report and you did, thank you so much - I know how long that must have taken to put together, a work of art.

(If i hadn't found that Laos GPS SD card - this report might not have been so good!)
Yes, an awesome report, I really enjoyed it! I like interspersing the video with the pix, that works very well. Anyway, thanks for the mighty efforts you put into this! Very helpful report too, i am going back in February and will likely head to Muang Sing. Got some great ideas from your report for the way back. Thanks!!

I rode Muang Nan to Kasi about a month ago, it was great great, with the road under construction. And totally alone, but cold, like you say.

And I am impressed you did this solo. Well done!

I think it was the infamous "Last Man Standing" trail that did it Pounce.

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